
iPhone demo me beautiful

category: general [glöplog]
Well said.

And you know what...I really like Compos. But mostly for the possibility to present a new demo to a large audience and see the reactions when it runs on the bigscreen. Winning is not the most important thing. Money isn't either. :D
added on the 2008-09-04 20:18:32 by Raven^NCE Raven^NCE
this whole intel/ps3/nvidia/iphone thing seems to be carving a line

imho that line is being carved by those who object to their fellow sceners' decision to accept sponsorship in various forms. commercial sponsorship of the demoscene has been around for at least 15 years, with some sceners embracing it, and some detesting it. in all those years, neither of the sides has ever provided convincing arguments for the other to switch over. so what's the point of debating this besides carving that line a little deeper?
added on the 2008-09-04 20:26:36 by havoc havoc
Surely then it moves from doing a demoscene release to creating a company presentation. Well then it's fine...I just don't like the bundling of the business and demoscene...call me oldfashioned, but that doesn't stick together quite well for me (and I speak for me only, not for others). Doing demos for fun is what gives you the full freedom. If they want horribly designed company logos in there or similar stuff or give directions it just would kill creativity and freedom. But well...that's everyone's own decision.

I'm in full agreement there.. that's what I meant by it becoming work instead of demo making. There's not much middle ground between the 2, and I really envy anyone who's found it!

I know what you mean about the team spirit and fun you get in the scene too.. actually you can get the same thing in some companies, but it's extremely rare. Perhaps the right group of people have to come together at the right time. If you find it though, hold on to it. If not.. well, you get fun and friends in the scene, money from work. You need both to get through life, and at least doing work like this you get some enjoyment and satisfaction instead of just money and boredom ;)
added on the 2008-09-04 20:38:09 by psonice psonice
About the whole stupid "sponsorship is killing the scene" thing.. I think there are two sides to it, and an easy solution.

First, you can work some boring job, or you can make demos and get paid for it. Which do you choose?

The other side: If you take the money, you're sacrificing your artistic expression etc. etc.

Bullshit, find time to do both, and keep them well separated.
added on the 2008-09-04 20:43:17 by psonice psonice
havoc: perhaps you mistake debate with basic public analysis..

either way, differences wont poof by avoiding the subject, quite the contrary, only honest understanding the oposite pov will ever bring true peace to matters of oposing ideals. not that i think it is entirely possible, there'll always be dissidents and extremists in all issues, but well, ignoring issues wont make them go away.

still, one should defnitly invest their time in productive things instead of reoccuringly debating the same points over and over again. this howhever, to me, has abit of a new look to it, perhaps because i feel in the old days there were more active youngsters doing kick ass prods and climbing to the top, whilst now 60 demoboxes seem enough to ruin a summer of small party kick ass releases.. o_O mostly made by the same people as last years..
added on the 2008-09-04 20:52:25 by psenough psenough
psonice: that interview on zine was dead on on the issue. guess my demos would be alot more high tech if they were getting paid for but then they would probably suck alot more in spirit and mood. o_O and i reckon most sceners share that view. except for the bunch thats used to seeing demomaking as a second job where they have to win every time they try to do something.
added on the 2008-09-04 20:56:30 by psenough psenough
Bullshit, find time to do both, and keep them well separated.

Word. Let's drink a nice beer (or even better a nice cuba libre) on that at the next party we'll possibly meet.
added on the 2008-09-04 21:02:22 by Raven^NCE Raven^NCE
whilst now 60 demoboxes seem enough to ruin a summer of small party kick ass releases..

Last year's top #5 demos at Evoke were made by :

- Kakiarts (absent at Nvscene this year)
- Cocoon (same)
- Farbrausch (same)
- Titan (same)
- Speckdrumm (same)

Top #3 64k :

- Inque (absent at Nvscene)
- TGCC (same)
- Titan (same)

Top #3 4k :

- Mercury (absent at Nvscene)
- TGCC (same)
- Alcatraz (there ! we have ONE !)

Sorry but I don't see how Nvscene ruined Evoke.
added on the 2008-09-04 21:02:25 by keops keops
And a Speckdrumm guy made a 4k at Nvscene, not the guys who made the Evoke demo though :)
added on the 2008-09-04 21:04:25 by keops keops
Also, ASM and BP happened to have crappy compos at some point. Those things happen and blaming Nvscene probably won't bring anything good.

FLT, MFX and STS did not bring their usual jewels at ASM this year. One can't blame Nvscene for that either since they did not release any prod over there either.
added on the 2008-09-04 21:09:21 by keops keops
whilst now 60 demoboxes seem enough to ruin a summer of small party kick ass releases..

that's a major exaggeration imho... first of all, the parties most affected by nvision appear to be the likes of evoke, bp and asm. i think it's great that these parties are forced to compete with nvision... it's never good when you can stay on top for a long time without competition. and even better that the competition in question comes from another continent for a change.

secondly, nvision only allowed pc demos and 4ks, so all other categories remain unaffected by definition.

thirdly, some smaller parties saw their best pc demo compos ever in 2008, for example outline.

i really don't see how this whole deal is supposed to be hurting us at all.
added on the 2008-09-04 21:12:16 by havoc havoc
keops: evoke != summer jsyk
added on the 2008-09-04 21:34:23 by psenough psenough
ps: aswell as NVScene != cancer ?
added on the 2008-09-04 21:38:52 by Puryx Puryx
1) europeans in another continent if you please
2) yes, because we totally define workload by the number of groups active on each competition categories.
3) in all fairness plenty of small summer parties also fluked in compo quality last year. which actually comes to prove my point that there are too many parties and too little free time for all the active sceners to participate in.

IMHO ofcourse.

by all means, feel free to keep thinking we're a sea of talent with immense free time and unlimited devotion. i'm sure someone will live up to the challenge, the same group of people, for the 5th year in a row, on the same compo. now with a 2 day hack instead of 2 months. which somehow next year disapears into the "real world" and we are all left wondering why.

keops: those bastard mfx people. how dare they not release anything ass-kicking this summer!!
added on the 2008-09-04 21:41:43 by psenough psenough
puryx: nvscene != cancer. but the add up of all the nvscene-alike initiatives perhaps might not be completly inocuous to the health. imho ofcourse.
added on the 2008-09-04 21:43:05 by psenough psenough
i dunno, i guess we'll find out in a couple of years ^_^
added on the 2008-09-04 21:44:10 by psenough psenough
well the initiatives are actually made to gain some new blood to the scene, wich would be very nice, as you also state yourself a couple of posts above ;)
added on the 2008-09-04 21:45:44 by Puryx Puryx
Here's food for thought: for all the sceners I know, it's a hobby! I can't think of anyone living off doing demos, so what if someone can get a nice gig that enables them to get better at their hobby while at the same time make some cash? I can't see anything wrong with that, but then again I sold my soul to satan 14 years ago when a local computer shop handed out Creative Soundblaster Pro-cards at an intro competition in Trondheim.
added on the 2008-09-04 21:49:15 by gloom gloom
puryx: when is the next scene event btw? oh thats right it got canceled when there werent enough active danish sceners to push it onwards.

havoc: oh, and how many pc dutch parties were there exactly last year?

keops: what about france, oh yes, now we have main regularly, gathering the whole 25 french sceners yearly!! and numerica doing it once every 2 years.

yes you're all completly right, we are not suffering from lack of active sceners at all. let them make demos for virtual compos 3 times a year ^_^ who needs small parties anyways? the alternative scene faggots will take care of organizing those.

btw, i'm exagerating some points ofcourse. (just in case you still dont know me well enough to know i do that alot when trying to pass a strong point across) but still, hope you get what i'm concearned about.

and notice it is only a personal concern, not in any way a dictatorial pass on what you all should be doing instead of demos for bucks. it's a free world after all, and regardless of what you do with your free time i'll keep checking the stuff and doing my thing in portugal, i'm just wondering where y'all guiding that train of yours.. couz it doesnt really seem like there is any sort of drivers to me. just people hopping on and off whenever it suits their fancy.
added on the 2008-09-04 21:53:54 by psenough psenough
I wouldn't mind being paid for it, but then again I suck too much. :(
added on the 2008-09-04 21:55:05 by xernobyl xernobyl
Oh, and I mailed the guys behind this initiative to get some more information, and if I get some I will of course share it as well as I can so that people can make up their own minds whether to apply or not. If there turns out to be a request for 10 company-brand "demonstrations" where people have to sign over all rights/sourcecode/etc. then I'd be very weary to enter, but if it turns out it's a clear cut "make whatever you like, payment of $X.xyz guaranteed" then people should just go for it if they want to. Personally I'd love to see some demoscene demos on the iPhone so that I don't have to transcode stuff from videos anymore :)
added on the 2008-09-04 21:57:21 by gloom gloom
ps: what the fuck is up with you! SERIOUSLY! http://www.trsac.dk - please THINK before you write!
added on the 2008-09-04 21:58:51 by Puryx Puryx
sure christian :-)
macaw: kan du så give mig dit benzinregnskab! :D
added on the 2008-09-04 22:04:31 by Puryx Puryx
puryx: Also, wasn't Scene Event cancelled because of lack of organizing staff, not lack of attendance? At least that is what Flemming told me back then.
added on the 2008-09-04 22:04:50 by gloom gloom
