fix me beautifull
category: general [glöplog]
shock: its just a clone with a turbo switch
ps: not exactly. It has a graphics mode that is unsupported by the vanilla spectrum (4bpp aka no color clash). Also the second demo I listed required 1MB.
On the other hand, I'm prolly just requesting the category because people keep on insisting it's no spectrum anymore. Just like the dtv (which has it's own category here) isn't a c64 :P
On the other hand, I'm prolly just requesting the category because people keep on insisting it's no spectrum anymore. Just like the dtv (which has it's own category here) isn't a c64 :P
51131 now has a PSP port.
shock: when we break the spectrum into 48k and 128k i'll add the pentagon. probably for v2 of pouet.
please always use bbcode in this thread when refering to broken things.
delete amnesty/amnesty duplicate for QI please
delete amnesty/amnesty duplicate for QI please
please fix this user, if you can :)
Hello and greetings.
I found that YouTube for this demo is here: [url=
Thank you very much.
I found that YouTube for this demo is here: [url=
Thank you very much.
without these "url" thingies this time.
YouTube for this demo
is here:
without these "url" thingies this time.
YouTube for this demo
is here:
fixed what i could...
please always use bbcode in this thread when refering to broken things. or risk being ignored in the future.
please always use bbcode in this thread when refering to broken things. or risk being ignored in the future.
please always use bbcode in this thread when refering to broken things.
mirror fix @
mirror fix @
Please, in this prod:
Add this port to mac (intel) (sourcecode included):
Add this port to mac (intel) (sourcecode included):
fixed! (maybe you can add a post about the source, "OSX Port and Source" is too long for the d/l box :/)
done! thanks!!!
For some reason Route 1066 has had the link for the Sundown'08 invite added, it should link to this instead.
keito: i think thats from a flaw in micksam7's database that got propagated while importing O_o either way, its fixed.
Thankyou PS :)
51131 now has PocketPC (WM2003, WM5/WM6) port.