category: general [glöplog]
Hello Scene,
After watching the NVScene competitions on our kickass FullHD projector, we in FR found out that there's a terrible thing going on that is in dire need of being corrected: Nowadays most groups sort their greetings alphabetically. As a direct consequence our group name "Farbrausch" ends up right behind that other group name "Fairlight".
This is an inacceptable fact (and a very twisted view on reality) and needs to be changed. As a consequence, we devised the following solution:
From this time forward, our group will have the new name "Fairbrausch".
This small name change that we'll use in all our forthcoming productions (so no need to change existing data, dear gloperators) will hopefully rectify the so utterly wrong impression of priorities that current greeting parts give when dealing with us and this other group.
Thanks for your understanding,
ronny,yoda,kb,giZmo and fiver2 of Fairbrausch.
After watching the NVScene competitions on our kickass FullHD projector, we in FR found out that there's a terrible thing going on that is in dire need of being corrected: Nowadays most groups sort their greetings alphabetically. As a direct consequence our group name "Farbrausch" ends up right behind that other group name "Fairlight".
This is an inacceptable fact (and a very twisted view on reality) and needs to be changed. As a consequence, we devised the following solution:
From this time forward, our group will have the new name "Fairbrausch".
This small name change that we'll use in all our forthcoming productions (so no need to change existing data, dear gloperators) will hopefully rectify the so utterly wrong impression of priorities that current greeting parts give when dealing with us and this other group.
Thanks for your understanding,
ronny,yoda,kb,giZmo and fiver2 of Fairbrausch.
bwaha. warum war ich heute nicht in der 3zw?
weil du suckst!
ich war zu spaet. und es gab titten.
i'm all for the fair bears (=fb). note the fiendishly clever pun.
Just call yourselves "AAFarbrausch" and be done with it!
kb : another solution would be not to greet Fairlight anymore, even simpler ;)
kb : another solution would be not to greet Fairlight anymore, even simpler ;)
...or everyone should start greeting Fantastic Cracking Company more often!
Those guys don't get enough greets if you ask me!
or we could go all pro-opengl and strip the f.
buy out aardbei?
havoc: that was 2. on the list.
thursdays in Hamburg.. :D
gets you every time.
Fairbrush Threepwood?
And where were all the åkesoft greetings?! :P
And where were all the åkesoft greetings?! :P
fairbrausch: it's all fun and games until someone loses an i.
a simple name change doesn't change the facts :)
this isn't fair to xplsv
fagbrausch will do !
kb's recent announcement of the Fairbrausch name change urges me to revise my name as well.
furthermore, i wish to be greeted within demos explicitly henceforth!
furthermore, i wish to be greeted within demos explicitly henceforth!
i second aniq!