looking for Silpheed/Hitmen
category: general [glöplog]
I am looking for one of our members from the PSX days, Silpheed that is. I need to get in touch with him to ask for permission to release sources of our psx libraries, modplayer and a bunch of other things he/we made (i guess you all understand that i can't do that without asking). Unfortunatly i lost contact to him, and the only email adress i could find doesnt work anymore... and i forgot his last name too, so google-stalking doesnt really work either =P
so well, if anyone remembers him, knows how to contact him, has some email addy or whatever else, please get in touch with me (groepaz@gmx.net).
thank you very much! party on! SCHEISSE!
so well, if anyone remembers him, knows how to contact him, has some email addy or whatever else, please get in touch with me (groepaz@gmx.net).
thank you very much! party on! SCHEISSE!
no idea! but now that you mention it, i think hitmen's pouet page got blkpanthered! did hitmen ever make c64 prods? if not, maybe some gloperator should split the group..
oh ok :)
i'm obviously too much of a newschool lamer to know these things :)
i'm obviously too much of a newschool lamer to know these things :)
we made tons of c64 (and other) stuff :) ... a lot is lost too (thats why i want to put as much as possible online...kinda) :/ gnaaa... noone from his former amiga group has contact to him (darn, i dont even know what group that was, shame on me =P) ?