Demos at nvision
category: general [glöplog]
The roman emperor?
xernobyl: defcon, in vegas.
defcon needs a demoparty so I have a valid excuse to go to vegas
Seems like I need to include August 2008 DirectX Redistributable with my demo, not just the newest D3DX DLL. Crapfuck.
why o_O?
Is there someone who wants to go to Vegas after NVS?
if there's an nvision next year and i'm going, then yes :)
i was quite relieved by the hard deadline. gives us a slightly better shot at finishing something!
i was quite relieved by the hard deadline. gives us a slightly better shot at finishing something!
niels: the hard deadline in the 2nd e-mail I agree ;-)
wtf., magic also gets nvision developer emails? ok that does it, the demoscene is dead :(
he doesnt.
archee didn´t get mentioned yet. 4k i´d say.
as also ours ( Bonzai Bros ) is ready. will upload today :) (dont expect any fancy or even new stuff tho !)
go away preselexecutioners,lol :)
as also ours ( Bonzai Bros ) is ready. will upload today :) (dont expect any fancy or even new stuff tho !)
go away preselexecutioners,lol :)
We had contacted NVidia France to support the first MAIN demoparty in 2006 and here is the work :^^
got sth wrong?
we ( Bonzai Bros ) are NOT cocoon....
I = c0c00n am an old Amigian with the Handle/Nick/whatever "c0c00n" ...i do NOT belong to cocoon=group...after all i guess i should change my handle...eventho i´ve benn c0c00n forever already...what about USELESS of Bonzai Bros ? ( scamp is namegiver then )
sry to cocoon=group again...
we ( Bonzai Bros ) are NOT cocoon....
I = c0c00n am an old Amigian with the Handle/Nick/whatever "c0c00n" ...i do NOT belong to cocoon=group...after all i guess i should change my handle...eventho i´ve benn c0c00n forever already...what about USELESS of Bonzai Bros ? ( scamp is namegiver then )
sry to cocoon=group again...
we ( Plastic ) are NOT Bonzai Bros
I = bonzaj am an old Amigian with the Handle/Nick/whatever "bonzaj" ...i do NOT belong to Bonzai Bros=group...after all i guess i should change my handle...eventho i´ve benn bonzaj forever already...
I = bonzaj am an old Amigian with the Handle/Nick/whatever "bonzaj" ...i do NOT belong to Bonzai Bros=group...after all i guess i should change my handle...eventho i´ve benn bonzaj forever already...
cybernostra: Thank you so much for making it possible.
lol ^_^
Now we miss a Cocoon member whose handle is Plastic.
^^ LOL
bonzaj RULEZ.!
bonzaj RULEZ.!
So the bonzaj brothers are releasing, but cocoon the group nick aren't, right?
no, afaik there'll be a cocoon demo that's ghostwritten by bonzaj's brother.

The pimps are back! Now in widescreen! :)
you bet your fucking ass we're back. stompin'