
Evoke 2008

category: general [glöplog]
ted: That's what I usally do, too, but this time I spent the time between compos partycoding and forgot to vote then :-)
added on the 2008-08-11 16:17:08 by noid noid
Ok here's what sucked most about Evoke:

I didn't do a demo for it.

The comments made for improvement by various folks would improve an effing great party. Especially playing a jingle. And bring back the Evoke Song compo, those rule (:

The music compos kicked ass.
I didn't do a demo for it.

yeah that's why i decided not to show up.
added on the 2008-08-11 16:30:36 by skrebbel skrebbel
oh and props to phred for showing up (: Next year have the voxel demo done and get there in time to get it submitted (: (Seriously, you've got the wierdest Evoke experience 2 years in a row - blow in last night, see compos, bail (: Ya gotta hang with people sometime (: It rules (: )
i found evoke to be really nice and relaxed, and felt it to be relatively well organized party (considering it's size).. A few points i'd like to make (some of these have been mentioned before), though:

1) Announce compos. Loudly! so that people outside can hear them too.

2) Show proper schedules on the beamer. I didn't see full party schedule slides anywhere on the big screen ever. Sometimes there was a slide detailing what would be going on in the next few hours, but in at least one case almost all of the times on that slide said 17:00 :-)

3) Have schedules printed out on the walls, by the main entrance etc.

4) Would've been great if the partyplace (either the catering, or the infodesk) would've sold regular water, and perhaps soda and juices in bigger bottles than 2dl.

apart from these (and the massive hangover i suffered well into sunday) i really enjoyed my stay, and because i didn't have an entry, i didn't feel that pissed off at missing most of the compos. A big bonus to the catering service and their food. Probably the best demoparty food i've had in ages.
added on the 2008-08-11 17:35:38 by uncle-x uncle-x
btw truck.. sorry for pestering you with smses when you were on the d.tv stream! :D
added on the 2008-08-11 17:40:34 by el mal el mal
Where can i get more information about this "intrarweb", and how much does one cost?

added on the 2008-08-11 19:02:19 by cyraxx cyraxx
Evoke was a very nice party

The Good:

- food supply, drink supply
- very nice bigscreen
- very relaxed atmosphere
- open internet desks for voting and surfing the web
- luxurious space in the main hall
- free internet wlan
- easy breezey lush organisers
- on saturday lots of sunshine and outdoor partyaction

the Bad:

- no sleeping hall ( i slept in the car, never mind )
- the schedule was seriously fucked up and it was hard to follow at which time
each competition really was. There was a tiny Timetable with handwritten fixed near the entrance,
but even that one was not accurate. No problem with Delays, but please announce the delays a bit
better next time :)
- the quality of the democompo was really one of the worst, i have ever seen. Of course this is not
related to Evoke Organising. Its up to us, to release better demos next time.

anyway, it was a nice party i will come back next year for sure, but how about switching to a smaller,
but more comfortable location ? I dont think we need such a big hall for Evoke. It felt a bit empty.
added on the 2008-08-11 19:08:38 by jazz jazz
I think the things that can be improved have been mentioned quite well at this point, and I must add that I really enjoyed the party again, thanks to the orgas and guests!

anyway, it was a nice party i will come back next year for sure, but how about switching to a smaller,
but more comfortable location ? I dont think we need such a big hall for Evoke. It felt a bit empty.

This is one aspect in which Evoke 2008 differed to 2007, there seemed more people last year, the hall felt really full in 2007. I hope that people who were there in 2007 but not in 2008 might come back in 2009 :) (for example the Atari sceners)
added on the 2008-08-11 19:25:05 by alk alk
Jazz: does this mean HJB will release a pc demo again next year ? ;-)
added on the 2008-08-11 19:38:22 by magic magic
big up for evoke tracks!
added on the 2008-08-11 19:44:51 by dossi dossi
BIG UP \o/
added on the 2008-08-11 19:47:01 by alk alk
Reading the report on heise claiming "over 400 visitors" I also think german demoparty organizers should start talking about disarmament in regards of lying to the press about the number of visitors.

The factor the real visitor numbers are multiplied with when lying to the press has constantly been rising in the recent years. I was OK as long as the factor has been between 1.2 and 1.5, but now it seems we are reaching 2.5, and seriously dudes: It's getting silly.

When looking at the "actual size", Breakpoint, Evoke and TUM have been losing visitors in recent years, while the numbers reported to the press keep on rising. Also, while Evoke claims to the press to be the second-largest party, TUM appears to be of equal size or possibly even a bit bigger.

So, dear Organizers of german demoparties: Could we PLEASE all stop this madness now?

added on the 2008-08-11 20:15:40 by scamp scamp
added on the 2008-08-11 21:03:58 by novel novel
this is sparta!

This just in: "80,000 visitors announced for breakpoint 2009"
added on the 2008-08-11 21:23:00 by _-_-__ _-_-__
Yea. I heard that Breakpoint 2009 will be held in the Berlin Olympic Stadium.
added on the 2008-08-11 21:34:13 by Salinga Salinga
imho the biggest challenge of current demoparties is to attract youngsters and make them interested in creative stuff... or else do you think that the demoscene is a generation's thing and that's ok enough ?

afaik the assembly seems to be the only party that really succeeds in that domain (i would be happy if you prove i'm wrong about other parties), see maxon and his HBC crew among other asm examples, they look young and show such a scene spirit :)
added on the 2008-08-11 21:48:21 by Zest Zest
zest, thats what we are doing for years. check out evoke contributions, how many "first productions" are amongst them. and the newcomer award.
added on the 2008-08-11 21:59:55 by dipswitch dipswitch
Hahah the problem is that it works out for me to leave Canada on a Friday to arrive in Cologne on a Saturday in time for the party.... unfourtuntaly there is also a good deal of jet lag to deal with too! :)

I like to roll in in time for all the demos and the live sets, hang with some people, have a drink or two and what not. But by 3am... my eyes are fluttering and I need sleeeeeeeep!

I'm gonna try to show up for Friday next year so I catch the pre-party too and yes I will TOTALLY try and get something done... I could just as easily start it now!! :)
added on the 2008-08-11 22:29:43 by Phred Phred
Evoke 2008 in the news:

Das Interesse an der Evoke war in diesem Jahr gewaltig: Neben dem medienpolitischen Sprecher der CDU-Landtagsfraktion Thomas Jarzombek, seines Zeichens ehemaliger C64-Nutzer, zeigte sich sein Kölner Kollege Jürgen Hollstein. Der Radiosender Deutschlandfunk übertrug direkt von der Veranstaltung und Arte, ZDF-digital, 3Sat sowie der WDR schickten ihre TV-Teams.


Ein Highlight der Evoke 2008 war der erste Platz in der Kategorie PC-Demo: Der Niederländer "aardbei" mit dem Werk "Rob is jarig" hatte dieses Demo bereits im Jahr 2000 auf der Demoparty Ambience veröffentlicht und feiert die Volljährigkeit eines niederländischen Demosceners namens Rob. Das Demo wurde immer wieder unter anderen Namen bei Wettbewerben eingereicht. Der erste Platz auf der Evoke 2008 ist die höchste Platzierung bislang.


In Köln traf sich die Demo-Szene zur Evoke 2008. Wer immer die graphischen Möglichkeiten seines Computers bis an die Grenzen ausreizen wollte, war in der Vulkanhalle richtig. Maximilian Schönherr berichtet im Gespräch mit Manfred Kloiber über die Veranstaltung.

added on the 2008-08-12 00:45:56 by Salinga Salinga
Evoke releases finally are up at scene.org. However, sadly it's incomplete.

For example "Bo Mobil 2008" (#2 Anim) is missing - anyone able to upload it (and/or add to pouet)? Thx.
added on the 2008-08-12 19:29:35 by scamp scamp
Reading the report on heise claiming "over 400 visitors" I also think german demoparty organizers should start talking about disarmament in regards of lying to the press about the number of visitors.

When looking at Breakpoint, Evoke and tUM I noticed that Evoke is the party with the longest guest list (friend of an organizer who want's to know about that party; dude works at the company that provides a lot of the hardware for free, Digitale Kultur e.V. member, ...). From my point of view the 400 visitors might have been there, while some of them where only about an hour or two at the party place, while others were there all the party.

and seriously dudes: It's getting silly.

IIRC Breakpoint has the largest unvisible visitors count. Plus BP organizing is the only party, that counts the visitor's home countries since years.

Remember kids: When you point one finger at another, you point three at yourself.

Also, while Evoke claims to the press to be the second-largest party, TUM appears to be of equal size or possibly even a bit bigger.

Nice try. I don't think that Evoke organizers are in the mood to pimmelfecht with tUM organizers on this low level. Same goes vice versa.

By the way scamp, your fridge at Evoke seemed to me being way smaller than the other one.

So, dear Organizers of german demoparties: Could we PLEASE all stop this madness now?

I'm all for it. Well, at least as soon as styx would stop advertising his party as small scale. ;)
Remember kids: When you point one finger at another, you point three at yourself.

eh well wasn't he talking about bp just as much as the other .de parties?
added on the 2008-08-12 21:55:11 by skrebbel skrebbel
skrebbel: He was, but if you read between the lines, there is some sort of pimmelfechten again.
