TehSkeen's first Nintendo Wii Coding Competition
category: general [glöplog]
TehSkeen is running the first Nintendo Wii homebrew contest in the world. We've got sponsors and prizes lined up and are judges are ready to get to work. So if you're an amateur or professional coder and want to share you work with the masses and get something in return for your effort this is your chance. Categories for the homebrew you can enter are original applications, demos and games. No need to worry, you won't have to brand your work with our URL or any splash screens. You can just spend all of your time and attention to making the best homebrew you can!
Among the prizes you can win a fantastic XBOX 360 Opening Tool!!! :O
(3) All work must be compatible with the Nintendo Wii's unique motion sensing input device(s).
I don't think that by demos they really mean demos.
(7) All work must be must include it's source code which will be evaluated.
No. They don't mean demos.
I'd love it if the "XBox 360 opening tool" turned out to be a lump hammer :-)
Oe noe we can't release our top secret source codes!
Thanks for you input, albeit not on my site... I've added exceptions on both rules allowing for demos to be submitted that do not require input nor require the release of the source code.
good luck with your compo brakken... let's see how many demoscener hearts you've warmed up ;)
parapete, the source code will be *evaluated* :-)
haha Oh right sorry, I see what you're saying. I guess deemosceners are not famous for writing clean code.
except ithaqua, who overdid it the other way (80% of his code consists of resource managers, somethingproviders and effect wrappers)