demoscene @ festival animatu 2008
category: general [glöplog]
(just debating whether or not to bother sending the form, because lifeforce will win anyway .. :) )
we are not submitting lifeforce but rather the more suitable for the festival 'metamorphosis' !
smash: i hope you submit something, even if im often picky on flt stuff for one reason or another, the event brings together people with different backgrounds and its aimed to show diversity not simply pick a winner. most of your stuff is defnitly worth being shown in the projection imho.
in other words "i think you're shit, but many entries from prestigious names in the competition make me look better" :)
reed: more like i could never recomend to anyone using such horrid direction cuts but some people seem not to really give a shit about it as much as i do so dont let me stop you.
ps: its funny that youve basically hated everything we did since come clean came out in 2004 - it hit some sort of nerve i guess.
and by the way - best pr job ever. well done. "please submit your demos to this event so that i can laugh it all the way from my inbox to the recycle bin. unless by some freak chance the other jurors override my noise-damaged opinion, in which case i'll begrudgingly put it through but make lots of snide comments about it." why dont you just write a list of the demos you actually want to see at your event, and save us the effort of looking at the app form?
and by the way - best pr job ever. well done. "please submit your demos to this event so that i can laugh it all the way from my inbox to the recycle bin. unless by some freak chance the other jurors override my noise-damaged opinion, in which case i'll begrudgingly put it through but make lots of snide comments about it." why dont you just write a list of the demos you actually want to see at your event, and save us the effort of looking at the app form?
you know what, dont fucking submit anything matt.
you know what, dont fucking submit anything matt.
i estimate that ps' attitude worsens by a factor of 1.15 every year!
there is a difference between my personal taste and the general audience. im sorry but i aint gonna tell you i find your stuff flawless when i dont. if you're stupid enough to believe my nitpicking influences the overall jury evaluation of a production then you defnitly shouldnt submit anything to anything im involved with. and cheers for the commendation and respect, after years of debating these issues with me, btw. let me know when you snap out of your ego bullshit.
egbert: i have no patience for massaging third party genitalia, i never did and i sure aint growing much by the year in that respect. its misscommunication bullshit like this that really puts me totally off from doing anything at all. i find some prods more hyped then others, who gives a shit? are you promoting your work or are you hoping for an official ps pat in the back for the best demo ever? couz if you're looking for the later you surely shouldnt expect getting it from me with any self-declared rushed prods. i wouldnt mind promoting your work and comparing it unbiasedly if you would care to show it to others though, but if you're hoping for a nudge nudge wink wink we are the best bullshit then seriously go wank somewhere else, im trying to bridge the scene to other digital art areas not export elitist herd wanking. if i make the effort year after year of demaningl unbias front in official stuff you can bet your ass i demand a minimum of respect in return. so seriously, i may just be having a bad day but flt can still go fuck themselfs if they cant separate waters from official scene promotional stuff and my personal taste in demos.
i know you're trying hard, for years already, to get a scene together in portugal and to expose it to others as much as you can. that's cool. what's not cool is reacting like the world ended every time some piece of criticism or, god forbid, sarcasm comes your way.
if smash tells you that he feels like that he doesn't stand a change because you'd dump the prods, then maybe that's a tip. he might be wrong about the assumption, it might be all ungrounded. but if you, as an organiser of this thing get smash, your target audience, to feel completely unwelcome than something went wrong somewhere, you can't deny that. hence his complaints about the pr job, and not the actual festival. it's not like the scene is that tiny a group of friends that some actually positive and encouraging promo for events is unwarranted.
if smash tells you that he feels like that he doesn't stand a change because you'd dump the prods, then maybe that's a tip. he might be wrong about the assumption, it might be all ungrounded. but if you, as an organiser of this thing get smash, your target audience, to feel completely unwelcome than something went wrong somewhere, you can't deny that. hence his complaints about the pr job, and not the actual festival. it's not like the scene is that tiny a group of friends that some actually positive and encouraging promo for events is unwarranted.
oh, rereading my post i see i missed a detail: i'm not saying smash is a saint, and it's your fair right to be offended if he says you make flt feel unwelcome. but maybe sometimes you should count to ten, and wonder about how all of this just happened. i'm sure you guys can talk it out if you just try.
egb: i like matt's ukscene demos, i liked the new tbl vs flt, i just didnt like the direction on those 2 thrown together hackjobs raping the great orange artwork, what the hell am i supposed to say? lie to them and tell them that i really liked them? im sorry but im not into politic bullshit, i try to be honest and forthcoming, if you assume im not when i reiterate it, i feel quite personaly insulted. im just organizing a competition, the jury has 3 people who i know for a fact can keep their bias aside, if anyone believes different, really, dont enter the compo, i know i wouldnt submit something to a compo that wouldnt respect my work. i just find it odd that after years of discussing about the importance of unbiasedness in the jury awards mailing list either matt or reed feel any right to question the integrity of this jury. so yes i do suck at pr, but these are people that supposedly know me better then this and still manage to believe the worst of them, and taint the image of the effort while at it. well, thanks alot guys.
ps: the point is, its not about "only entering if you say its the best demo ever" or if you think it's flawless - it's about not choosing to submit to something where i don't believe our work will get any respect. and certainly, certainly not wanting to go through the effort of filling out and sending back the application form for that event, which after your initial email to me i was actually going to do. and by the way, the reason i was going to send it off at all was "it cant hurt i guess, and it's nice to support ps's event" - not because of any illusions about winning some money or becoming famous, but to _help you out_.
but what you posted on this thread, its the equivalent of saying "i think you're a cunt, will you come to my party?", which is an attitude i dont really respond to well, sorry. (actually i think i responded with a fine piece of sarcastic wit, but hey :) )
this is exactly what im talking about. you dont even know who did what on each production. you have no idea who's responsible for what pieces of graphics, direction and so on - but you're happy to judge that everything you like is by somebody and everything you don't like is by somebody else. your view of the demos appears to be "those bad fairlight guys sucked in my heros and ruined their work", when you don't have a clue how things actually went down. perhaps the fact we as a team have made it through 4 demos and are on to the 5th means that the guys don't feel their work was "raped" - oooooor, it could be that we've bribed them or have them locked up in a basement somewhere and forced them to do graphics - does thinking that help you to feel better? :)
im off to go fuck myself now. (thanks for that suggestion, much appreciated.)
but what you posted on this thread, its the equivalent of saying "i think you're a cunt, will you come to my party?", which is an attitude i dont really respond to well, sorry. (actually i think i responded with a fine piece of sarcastic wit, but hey :) )
2 thrown together hackjobs raping the great orange artwork
this is exactly what im talking about. you dont even know who did what on each production. you have no idea who's responsible for what pieces of graphics, direction and so on - but you're happy to judge that everything you like is by somebody and everything you don't like is by somebody else. your view of the demos appears to be "those bad fairlight guys sucked in my heros and ruined their work", when you don't have a clue how things actually went down. perhaps the fact we as a team have made it through 4 demos and are on to the 5th means that the guys don't feel their work was "raped" - oooooor, it could be that we've bribed them or have them locked up in a basement somewhere and forced them to do graphics - does thinking that help you to feel better? :)
im off to go fuck myself now. (thanks for that suggestion, much appreciated.)
matt: i do know who was involved in what, i read the infofile and the replies on previous threads about these demos, it was exagerated and generalized to get the point across more bluntly, like i do so many times. and with your retork you're just proving to me yet again that you still have that need for a personal pat in the back for a job well done that i was remarking should never be in all means necessary to support any type of scene outreach. not to mention that i did tell you job well done in all occurences when i felt it was indeed well worth the effort invested, and yet you prefer to single out the times where i disliked the outcome for one reason or another (some of which you even completly concur with). seriously matt, i suck at pr, i may be a blunt cunt with strong exagerated opinions most of the time, but you should know i respect your work and efforts, and this misscommunication to me is clearly derived from a lack of mutual respect from your behalf that has probably been accumulating ever since i criticized your efforts way back ago for feeling fairlight work was getting too much hype. now you play the victim game while you clearly seeked an oportunity to poison my work and reputation yet again just to "get even". and while i couldnt care less about what people in the scene think of me since of most them already seem to think im some sort of fascist artyfaggot nutjob anyways, it still hurts that people whom we know for nearly 10 years and shared shitloads of bottles of booze with still manage to dig out the worst in our persona for the sake of their ego trip quarrels. you've turned out a great coder, i truly enjoyed some of your work while i totally felt some other turned out a waste of talent, one thing is certain: i completly condone your ego trip elitism and if thats the only way you can outshine your personality nowdays i defnitly want nothing to do with you anymore. how many 15 minutes of spotlight do you need before you snap out of the "someone doesnt understand/like my work" attitude matt? im sorry if you feel its disrespectful from my behalf but i been past these elitism sandbox games for quite some time now, i feel no need to brush any egos in my circle of friends and i'll defnitly always stand by my opinions as long as i feel they are valid regardless if you're too stubborn or ego blind to read the real meaning in them or not.
how many 15 minutes of spotlight do you need before you snap out of the "someone doesnt understand/like my work" attitude
pot. kettle. black.
i rest my case.
qed: suddenly calling someone their first name won't necessarily get the point through :)
ps: i dont think you read my post at all, so im going to give you the executive summary as a piece of advice about human nature, ignoring all the personal insults that got traded.
if you ask somebody to do something for you as a favour - i.e. submit their work to your demoshow/event, requiring some (ableit small) amount of work on their part like filling in an app form - it's generally bad form to directly slight the piece of work they were going to submit on the very thread that you're asking for submissions on.
maybe i'm strange and everyone else would see things differently, but i simply thought "well fuck that then" and thought of a load of other, better things to do. :) (and then wasted that time by replying to this thread. oh well.)
if you ask somebody to do something for you as a favour - i.e. submit their work to your demoshow/event, requiring some (ableit small) amount of work on their part like filling in an app form - it's generally bad form to directly slight the piece of work they were going to submit on the very thread that you're asking for submissions on.
maybe i'm strange and everyone else would see things differently, but i simply thought "well fuck that then" and thought of a load of other, better things to do. :) (and then wasted that time by replying to this thread. oh well.)
perhaps this is where you got it wrong: i dont really see it as asking anyone for favors, im informing people (which considering their work i would assume could be much interested) of an oportunity to show their work. an oportunity which i happened to enable. considering im actually investing my personal time and getting in return little less then reputation for wasting my time trying to promote the scene, i dont really see how you're doing me any personal favors by entering the compo.
unless.. oh thats right. i forgot. you're all about egos.
unless.. oh thats right. i forgot. you're all about egos.
look, I don't know about the exact quarrels between the two of you... but... two things:
1) from a strictly linguistic point of view it's interesting how both of you say something, and in the end mean it completely differently. Smash mentions sarcasm as a reason, PS mentions exaggerations as a reason. Why don't both of you put it the way you actually mean it, without sneaky backdoors for (mis)interpretations? :)
2) I sat next to you both at Breakpoint 07 at the bigscreen, while both of you had a beer or two, having quite a laugh as far as I recall. So where's the problem? (*hands a beer to both of them*)
1) from a strictly linguistic point of view it's interesting how both of you say something, and in the end mean it completely differently. Smash mentions sarcasm as a reason, PS mentions exaggerations as a reason. Why don't both of you put it the way you actually mean it, without sneaky backdoors for (mis)interpretations? :)
2) I sat next to you both at Breakpoint 07 at the bigscreen, while both of you had a beer or two, having quite a laugh as far as I recall. So where's the problem? (*hands a beer to both of them*)
the problem is we're both stubborn people with strong opinions. but axel and skrebble are right, and i dont enjoy being bitter at others at all, so regardless if you submit something or not matt i hope we can get over this idiocy, sorry for offending you. beer is on me at next party we meet.
final reminder bump :)
you got mine ok ?