
One small question about Heaven7

category: general [glöplog]
Iblis: It is like the Old testament is no longer valid to a lot of christians.
Ok, you may be true on that one. I think, there is a big difference between the old and the new testament. In the new testament, everyone can become christian, there is no more just one tribe, so this rules changed a lot.

I mean, in the preaching on the mountain there are lot of things that changed.
Divorces were allowed, they no longer were allowed, Oaths were allowed, Jesus forbid to swear, an eye for an eye becomes turn to him the other cheek, hate your enemies became love your enemies.

Jesus himself changed a lot of things. I believe that God somehow educated his tribe. I believe the fulfillment of this all is just visible in the new testament.

Iblis: how have you become muslim? Through this encounter with God you told? Are your parents muslims?
added on the 2003-10-22 21:42:08 by phred phred
about the civilsation doing a forward or backward step I once read an interesting thing:

Dr.J.D. Unwin in his book has studied 86 different societies throughout human history and came to the conclusion in his book "Sex and Culture":

Sexual fidelity was the single most important predictor of a society's ascendancy. In human records there is no instance of a society retaining its energy after a complete new generation has inherited a tradition which does not insist on prenuptiol and postnuptial continence.

I find that rather convicting.
Some words:
fidelity: loyalty/faithfulness
prenuptial: before marrying
continence: temperance (i.e. not sleeping with eachother)

Has anyone read similar things?
I mean if I watch that, I say, bye bye, western society.
Btw. we are by far not the first society who said "sex for everybody to anybody", I often hear things in newspapers, like we invented that in our generation and that it would be something new.
added on the 2003-10-22 21:55:17 by phred phred
ah, Iblis, about this bigbang in Qur'an theory: I read it in my qur'an, and there is:
Sûrah 55:37-38
Then when the heaven is rent asunder, and it becomes rosy or red like red-oil, or red hide, then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you both (jinn and men) deny?

So this verse seems to be a coming thing? I mean I don't know the qur'an at all. Can this too be read as a past thing?
I remember in the bible, there are a lot of things in psalms, etc. that weren't meant prophetic, that in fact were prophetic and taken by Jesus as prophetic words..
added on the 2003-10-22 22:57:56 by phred phred
The book of shifter, verse 1:2 says this:

"Frequently quoting others usually means you have nothing to say for yourself"
added on the 2003-10-23 02:26:09 by Shifter Shifter
Phred: could be right about the relationships + downfall of civilisations, I can think of many like that (the ancient greeks with their golden years went that way).

And it's been on my mind for a while that usa is showing signs of decay, just look at the music + films etc. they produce now compared to 10,20,30 years ago.. you can see a decline in standards there for sure. And at the same time, casual sex has become more common, it's normal to use sex for advertising, they're even moving to gay priests. And i won't even mention us policies in the last few years :) There's a definite trend there.
added on the 2003-10-23 10:46:06 by psonice psonice
and the great iblis book o scene says "if you participate in a debate, participate with something of value to that debate or stfu".

Phred: Yeah well, the experience was what made me seek for God. My parents are hippies, and only christian during christmas time it seems. But that is ok, they are good and kind people :)
I chose islam, because it makes sense. TO me it makes no sense that God get children. That there are sins so great that God cannot forgive them, but need to sacrifice his child (to whom? who is greater than God?). It makes no sense to me that God, Gods "son" and a holy spirit, is 3 individuals yet, 1 God. 1+1+1 =1 ...not in my world.
I dont think the law system of other relegions work that well. If you accept the ten commandment, you accept The old testament, and the prophet who brought them forth. You see... YOur right in what you say about the changes Jesus did to some point. But do yourself a favour, and find the verses to back them up, and look at their context.
I remeber this... :"I am not here to change the law, but to fullfill it" ...what law? The torah ofcourse, Jesus was a Jew and was sent to a population of jews that had gone "bad". And he did fullfill it, he lived it. He altso said :"Nothing in the law shall be changed, not a single letter, untill the day of reckoning".
It is stuff like that, that made me choose another relegion than the one most people in my country have. I have an in depth knowledge about christianity and my choice was made after looking at both relegions deeply. their history, their verses etc..

It is not the bing bang that verse refers to mate, but a star collapse :) (again, it takes some arab to explain. the translation are so....lacking). It can be read as both, and that is the point. As i said, these are not proofs, these things are there to make us think twice about it. I like that the version you have says both jinn and men, that is good.

It is not a prediction of the hubble telescope image. but it is thought provoking, that hubble picks up something we had NO chance to see 1400 years ago, yet knew was going on.

I think muslims 1000 years ago, thought this verse to mean something completely different. Now we have an idea what God is talking about. But who knows...in a another 1000 years, maybe the sky will turn red, and thus. the verse litteraly was about the sky turning red and rent asunder.

bet let me ask you...why are you christian? parents? choice? both?
added on the 2003-10-23 10:51:35 by NoahR NoahR
Iblis: people 1400 years ago could certainly have seen the kind of supernova the hubble sees now. We need the hubble to see it now cause the explosions are far away... a local one would be very visible without a telescope. I remember reading something about an ancient historical account of one, can't remember how long ago it was tho, and i don't think they were talking of the Koran.
added on the 2003-10-23 11:04:36 by psonice psonice
Our life is a cycle. That's why (imho) some things look prophetic. If we assume f.e. that X commandement were dictated not by HVHI but a 'human' beings, who decided that the time has come to start an ethic evolution on earth. So? We can not forget that a simple torch or a silver uniorm was a sign for Divine derived.
Never the less Abraham was a 'magician' (or a man with a big spiritual background, so he could have obtained them during meditation).

I suppose we are going towards some 'shocking events'. Just look around you at the selfish ppl, ratrace, money hunting, egoism, +++. Why I wrote 'shocking'. The Mayan (or Incas) callendar has its own cycle who is repeating itself with a biiig period (sth like a 24h day but in a big scale). That 'repeat' is quite upon us (forgot the #). In addition in 2o11 we change the sign from Pisces (does it a coincidence with Jesus?) to Aquarius.
Well, pesonally I was a li'l 'scared' but now I do not care. Since everything gotta evolve.

btw. Have you heard about Crop Circles? Sure you have (you did some of them =). One of those CC pictured a Solar System constallation in Feb, 2o11 (the period of changing). Maybe a fake. Dunno.
Why they are done in majority in UK?

I stop it cause it looks a little like a fortune telling ;).

Ppl are lazy and prefer to follow, not to make its own afford. And pleasure, not sacriface (in work, for sb) has a bigger value.
added on the 2003-10-23 11:34:13 by sim sim
Mate your never going to convince me that you can see a supernova close enough to decide that it looks like a red rose. A supernova in our solarsystem??? i dont think so. :D
We need hubble to see them clearly at all, and dont tell me that in 1400 years, they have moved that much further away. 1400 years is a lot in human history, but a drop in the ocean of time in the universe.
You are ofcourse welcome to prove me wrong :)
added on the 2003-10-23 11:34:25 by NoahR NoahR
"Have you heard about Crop Circles? Sure you have (you did some of them =). "

yes i did *blush* ...me and a couple of mates decited to scare the shit out of a local farmer. But even though we put a lot of efford in it. It never looked as good as those you see on the web. i mean those fractal like ones.

It is lazy to follow blindly, but it is not lazy to choose to follow because it makes sense to you.
added on the 2003-10-23 11:39:28 by NoahR NoahR
Crop circles are a local passtime in the uk :) I think some people spend ages thinking of good patterns, and researching the best way to do it.

There was a program about some people who made them on tv a while back, I think they used a really heavy piece of wood, and a person at each end to pull it in a circle, to get the smooth flattening.

Iblis: i'll have a look. But i wasn't suggesting that the supernova would be THAT close :) But a reasonable close one would be bright enough to make the sky very bright at night for a while, who knows what other effects it would have?
added on the 2003-10-23 12:01:00 by psonice psonice
Just a little note or two ...

Well for the supernova thing, iblis do you know that a supernova was actually wittnesed long before Muslims existed? The sky actually DID become red and stuff ... It was wittnesed by the Summerians (spelling must be wrong) and was recorded as such ...

Since you are a muslim, a have a question for you:
Do you know about the incident with the "well of divination" (i don't know how it translates to english, but i hope you'll understand what i'm reffering to) and Kuraish (or Qurajsh or anyway must be pronounced Koo-ra-ish, again... not know the spelling)?

Guyz, why don't you try reading philosophy?

You will find a lot of revealing stuff in there...

Like that no religions has EVER said something that it hadn't been said BEFORE? NOTHING!

Like what human mind can actually think reasonably, instead of just believing in ...

If you find a 1500yo verse that only through modern "explanation" can suit your needs (because i sincerely doubt that if we could ask a muslim 1500 years ago if that verse referred to a star collapse....as said, finding prophecies wherever you want is sooooo easy, if they actually believed it reffered to a star collapse, why didn't they specificaly say so?)
i can point you out that 2500 years ago people had ACTUALLY thought, thru reason and logic, that our whole world, matter and everything had a single source which thru some specific powers (not divine) could "break" and "unite" again forming everything that surround us. Ofcourse scientifically it was "bullshit" to believe that everything came out of water, or fire, or ether, or mathematical beings, or infinite, which could unite again thru "love" and "hatred" or fire.
(Thalis, Hrakleitos, Pythagoras, Anaksimandros, Anaksimenis, Anaksagoras, Ksenofanis, Parmenidis, Empedoklhs to name a few with equally numbered theories)

But then you could also read how actually 2000 years ago some people had already thought that matter complies of atoms (particles that cannot be divided any more, atom = not breakable) (Leykippos, Dhmokritos)

How we can actually see things thru some radiant energy consisting of small atoms, how our world was created thru the atoms capability to make random moves, and why therefor infinite worlds have been created, how we perceive dreams and we see "stuff" there that we don't see when we're awake (Epikouros)

And people ACTUALLY wrote those SPECIFIC thoughts down, they did not pass around controversial prophecies that anyone could interpret in his liking....

People had actually THOUGHT (not believed) what a human psyche is and consists of.

Of course scientificaly all those philosophies are prooven wrong, but what realy counts, there is nothing REAL (i.e. around us and in our minds) that pure plain old reasonable thinking, cannot think of. For the actual beliefs might be wrong (that the human soul is atoms of fire and that man is a 2:1 ratio of normal atoms to atoms of fire) but the logic of atoms, radiative light, particles, randomness, single source for everything, that matter is just a thing of mixture, that psyche IS something, etc etc is what really counts.

For the human spirit in its DIVERSITY can think of anything. There were people who believed in randomness, particles and the ethics of reality, and the were others who believed that there is a Reason who governs our world, a Reason who is inside us all, that our soul and mind is a small part of the Unified Reason (no that was not the christians, that was said quite long before them), how our lives should comply with that Cosmic Reason against our flesh's drives etc etc

The "where we did we come from, why is our world here, what is our world, how can we perceive world, can we really perceive it or is it just us, or maybe someone else, what is really real" and stuff like that had long been thought of, and answered with GREAT insight, thru reason and logic, LONG BEFORE christians, muslims etc came around.

And if you ask why there was a stop during the dark ages, well, burning down every book around (Library of Alexandria, all philosophical schools) had something to do with it. AFAIK there were NO OTHER people who did such a dreadfull crime (to burn the intellectual results of thousand of years of mankind) than christians.

It was because of that that christian theologists were trying to recostruct their theoology out of only 5 books for about 1000 years (aristotle's lesser Organic books (Kathgoriae and Explanations) and Platos 'Timaios', and 2 other neoplatonic books).
It was because of that, and because priests were the holders of knowledge, that european thought could only come to pityful results as far as it concerns philosophy, which was rather a theology then. The only systematic results of the "idealistic realism", "terministic nominalism" and "conceptualism".

Actually all these when they tried to actually develop them, they came to conclusion the church could not accept (because they were quite against the christian beliefs), proof that religions is the most controversial system of all... Even christian theologists when they started from the christian dogma, came to unchristian results.

Thank (your) God, Arabs existed, who had translated many philosophical books, so because of them the Enlightment and Renaissance could actually happen.

Because Arabs had scientists (doctors) and not priests as the holders of knowledge. It was becuse of that, that when christianity was able to have a serious contact with the Arabs, and thru whom contact with knowledge, that was able to surpass their previous theological pityful beliefs.

And again, as what relegious people are most accustomed to do, standing before their inability to form a strong systmatic theology-philosopsy, a clever man came around (Thomas Akinates) who could take a little bit of that and a little bit of the other (does he remind you iblis of someone else?) in order to keep them united, forming the system that even know christian church believs.

But then again, thru the change in orientation in philosophical thinking, because of the mental superiority of the scientific Arabs, and because of the newly refound knowledge of the ancients, people started to actually think again, surpassing the older philosophies (even the arabs could not go beyond a neo-aristotelism and neo-platonism), forming the "new" philosophies of Renaissance.

It was then that the French mainly took things in their hands, to form strong liberal philosophical systems, thru the questiong of what Law reallly is, of the lex divinae and lex naturalis, the the orthological thinking, thru the "turn" to actually see the world around you, instead of the "world" inside you. For even a religion cannot exist whithout humans.

And then, thru the newly liberated thinking of the great German philosophers with their strong individuality mankind was able to make yet another step forward in thinking, forming the most scientific, complete philosophical systems yet to exist...

I have ranted long enough, and havents said actually smthng.
My point, if you really care about wat thinking meas, about explanations, READ PHILOSOPHY.
Start with the basics, and go all the way thru, to today.

Another world will reaveal itself, not thru a divine Revelation, but thru a logical one.

There are trends for everyone, systems for whatever u can think of. And they are all SYSTEMATIC and CONSISTENT, based on facts and saying, and not on interpratations, beliefs, lies and fiction....
added on the 2003-10-23 12:02:47 by psyche psyche
PS ofcourse the witnessed supernova was not in our solar system, i don't remember which star they speculate that it was....

And Thomas Akinates must be Thomas Bradwardine in english.....
added on the 2003-10-23 12:17:45 by psyche psyche
PS 2 ...
about that sexual thing defineing progress....
Try read the "Origin of Family, Private Property and the State" by Friedrich Engels ...

great insight, typical use of the historical materialism as an explanation basis, much of info and facts and researches about the history of society from the very beginnings of mankind ....

Not the only way of explaining, but a way to think how u can apply a single-complete logic in explaining basic aspects of society and history ... as far as it concerns why it was in such way and not other, why did it evolve, why did it evolve in that thing and not in another one...

and sorry for my english....
added on the 2003-10-23 12:37:36 by psyche psyche
Iblis: Here's a page about a supernnovae in 1250 (not recorded in the records at the time, but it was very close to our solar system:

There was also one around 250bc, recorded by the chinese as a very bright star that slowly faded. There was also one in 1987 (the first to be seen since telescopes were invented), which could be seen without a telescope. That was in another galaxy, so a fairly local one would be very visible.
added on the 2003-10-23 12:57:00 by psonice psonice
Psyche... Interresting read. But as i have stated already, the verse about the nova is thought provoking, not the base of my faith.

Philosophy arent "perfect" it has the flaws that human logic has. And if you refer to guys like nietzche all i can say is :" Nietzche is dead -God"

I would like to see some more info on the things you wrote about, and i will be happy to stand corrected, if that is the case. But eventually it doesnt really change anything for me.

i have to look the well thing up, because im unsure what you mean, but it do somehow rting a bell, so i will look into it and get back to you :)

added on the 2003-10-23 12:58:27 by NoahR NoahR
right a bright star that slowly faded, how do you get that to be a red rose?
added on the 2003-10-23 13:00:13 by NoahR NoahR
Oh yeah and about relegion not chaging...that is true. We know that God has send down messages since the dawn of mankind. and they were all the same, but got changed by greedy people.
added on the 2003-10-23 13:04:35 by NoahR NoahR
iblis: perhaps that was a more distant one :) Also, you would need to take into account the position in the sky of the supernova (if it was far south in the sky, it would look more red, same as the sun does when it sets). I read of another seen in baghdad later, that was described as being visible at midday, and having a yellow colour, signifying war, but that was less than 1400 years ago.
added on the 2003-10-23 13:08:15 by psonice psonice
Look i do not doubt that it occours. I think it is very likely. But the detail in the original text cannot have been made by pure observation from earth without a telescope. The problem is mainly as i said, that the translations are "light" compared to the original.
added on the 2003-10-23 13:18:03 by NoahR NoahR
Urdu is with its 400.000 used words, the largest most complex language in the word. Yet, one of the most easy to learn. The language has a flow that makes it possible to memorise the entire quraan by heart. (no...i cant ..not yet ;)
Im still a noob to the language.
added on the 2003-10-23 13:24:38 by NoahR NoahR
iblis: i see that, i'm just saying that there can always be other explanations for any strange events, look at crop circles ;) Of course, it's rarely as simple as crop circles, and sometimes the strangest explainations are the tru ones.
added on the 2003-10-23 13:27:15 by psonice psonice
I tried to learn some cantonese a while back.. that's hard. The written language is mandarin, spoken is cantonese, they have different grammar. And there are 9 different ways of saying each word, each with a different meaning, so lee and leé and lée are all different words.
added on the 2003-10-23 13:30:01 by psonice psonice
Why cantonese? :)
added on the 2003-10-23 13:44:16 by NoahR NoahR
About strange explnations.. Atoms are not the smallest part anymore. Not if newer theory shows to be true. i mean superstrings etc..
I think the universe is energy. nothing else.
For simplicity i will give you an example of how my twisted mind works.
Oour universe has a frequency of 1khz. everything within it has that frequency. Yall know that the frequency scale is infinite, so that makes it possible for A LOT of universes to be present at the same time, at the same place, only seperated by a decimal difference in frequency. Now...what happens if the frequency occationally fcuks up, and at a little spot on earth it is suddenly 1.0000000000000000001 khz. what do we see....and what do those on the other side see ;)
would esplain a lot of things like ghosts, ufo's, people disapearing etc...
Oh well i dont think i have scientific support for my claim, but i would be happy if someone can follow the idea :)
added on the 2003-10-23 13:53:14 by NoahR NoahR
