Random Heavy Gold Chain KONG (king of nerds and geeks) Gangtaz >here<
category: general [glöplog]
This is THE thread to exutate why you have not read Oscar Wilde although you are still wandering at your mother's house in a bathrobe sucking on your third joint at 11 AM. This thread is also a mean to eleviate the drama from other "normal" threads. I, for one, if allowed, thereby agree to indulgate in your group drama willingly, with all my emo slang, while still pretending I give a f*
go away
go away
go away
go away
go away

go away
Ok that makes 6 of you nerds sitting in an IRC channel on a friday night, with nothing else to do. At least I have the excuse of having to constantly babbysit my 2 year old. Good grief, where is the Fire ?!
kozmik: you're supposed to do something at least - still you're posting loads of shit here. Go away.
"you're supposed to do something at least" : erh, like ... I a m. I'm watching tv now and checking if within the junk you're feeding the board, there is a real lost contact who answered.
Ok that makes 6 of you nerds sitting in an IRC channel on a friday night, with nothing else to do
I did not know that Pouet was an IRC channel and I did not know that GMT+1 and GMT-5 were the same timezone.
Seriously, STFU and go away, for your own good.
kozmik: If you're aiming to find lost contacts via THIS exact thread, it must be the most fucked up way to achieve that ever. Funny how it seems like I think that the very first post in this thread is... what did you call it.. junk? Yeah, junk it is!
Oh yeah and for understanding tEiS's btfo, I am learning about Nerdcore hip hop from Wikipedia the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Nerdcore) Nerdcore hip hop, or geeksta rap, is a sub-genre etc...
Quite fascinating : I guess that's where all the niggaz ghetto stuff started out. Wonder if I can make a rap about how my nvidia gfx card.
Quite fascinating : I guess that's where all the niggaz ghetto stuff started out. Wonder if I can make a rap about how my nvidia gfx card.
Puryx> look up, you've got the wrong thread dude.
kozmik: uh... no - YOU have a wrong thread - this thread is JUNK, which will gain you NO lost contacts (I did see your other thread, yes, but remember that I did only answer you in this thread, ok?)
go away
go away
just to mention :
Go away
Go away
Don't you have to go to fonts.com, save, extrude and photoshop some sunray fx already ?
@Puryx > look above again : you said "kozmik: If you're aiming to find lost contacts via THIS exact thread...". That's the point, I don't. You are confusing with this thread entitled "Old American sceners call : lost contact !" [http://pouet.net/topic.php?which=5463]. In essence this thread's purpose is so you don't rubbish the latter important to me and others maybe thread : it is about your little goof groupwars, and "we are gorillaz" syndrome (not to mention nobody has spoken about real historical legitimacy still).
kozmik: please read carefully:
I don't like junk threads - so, when I see one I respond: "go away" - still you're telling me that I'm confusing threads?
I have NOT rubbished your "lost contact thread".
can't you just shut up and concetrate on the thread that is usefull for you?
my goof of groupwars? we are gorillaz? What the fuck are you talking about - please quote me, so I might understand how I'm into groupwars and gorillaz... I just want you to stop posting fucking junk threads. Geez!
Did you get it this time?
I don't like junk threads - so, when I see one I respond: "go away" - still you're telling me that I'm confusing threads?
I have NOT rubbished your "lost contact thread".
can't you just shut up and concetrate on the thread that is usefull for you?
my goof of groupwars? we are gorillaz? What the fuck are you talking about - please quote me, so I might understand how I'm into groupwars and gorillaz... I just want you to stop posting fucking junk threads. Geez!
Did you get it this time?
Wow comprehension IS a neurophysiological error !
Puryx, dude stop posting here and I will too, simple as that.
Puryx, dude stop posting here and I will too, simple as that.
kozmik: so because you started a junk thread, I should stop posting? - now you're fucking freaking far out!
Also you're still not answering my questions, but hey, that's a typical troll issue.
Also you're still not answering my questions, but hey, that's a typical troll issue.
I love you all! ^___^