acting like a criminal, refusing to remove my files
category: residue [glöplog]
not exactly a troll but almost the same.
Do not call me a prophet. I am simply following Islam.
so since when pouet is a sharia?
you know in iran aposthese is punishable by death.
okkie. although not on pouet I still think that warez scener who was afraid of his slengpung pic tops this guy ;)
especially the part where he made a threat to spread a manipulated pic of me.. which resulted in his webspace reaching some bandwidth limit when i pasted the url to suomiscene..
especially the part where he made a threat to spread a manipulated pic of me.. which resulted in his webspace reaching some bandwidth limit when i pasted the url to suomiscene..
feelgood thread of the year!
In Iran, people like intelligence A shame you don't.
ps: iran has nothing to do w/ islam as far i know they are sperate group where they called them selves as Shi'aa or w/e.
oh no now we're going to start quoting hadiths.
Islam is a national religion in Iran.
seriously, we're merely having fun and this is the way this thread should remain... so let's get back to trolls!
tmplog: which group do u follow >.>;?
ps: how about a realtime char board based on ajax or something for pouet? since this thread is no different
We are muslim.
damn, where is stefan when we need him :)
Alpha C:stfu
Obey, we want the files gone.
Guess who's back... Back again...
Now it just gets boring :(
Bitches leave!
Obey, we want the files gone.
We are your master.
sparcus: I told you the guy thinks he's some sort of prophet or as such...