Metal Gear Solid 4
category: general [glöplog]
xiao: you can say the same about many PC games and all PS3 games.
loaderror: And considering LIS' art was made by the same guy who did crysis, this smells like CONSPIRACY!!!!1110x0b
Gargaj: wut O_o?
xernobyl: yes in that aspect but to tell the truth almost all ps3 games are ported..
xernobyl: yes in that aspect but to tell the truth almost all ps3 games are ported..
xiaomega: ? then where are uncharted, ratchet & clank:tod, heavenly sword, gt5:prologue, warhawk, superstardust etc etc on pc? if u mean multiplatformgames, sure. btw i just discovered the gamepornoshoot with the models in mgs4. im a sad sad man. must play NOW!. link
s0r: yes i meant multiplatforms. and lol @ gamepornoshoot.
This game has more aliasing then the average 3D fly by demo from the nineties! Quite strange, doesn't the PS3 support anti-aliasing?
Rob: many heavy PS3 games don't internally render at 720p to sustain an acceptable framerate, so anti-aliasing is the least of their worries ;)
Yes, I read about it. I am quite disappointed to be honest :)
call of duty 4 !!!
u are old CoD 5 otw >.>
ports of call 2
sure we can bitch all about AA or bad textures - but the game is fucking fun, at the start of act 4 the game suddenly switches to ps1 mode and lets u replay the first level of mgs1. i used to think that was one of the most beautifull games i ever played. also, im a hideo worshipper, so i end this useless rant with snake wearing his ps1 face-camo on the ps3.
moar bad textured with lame aa shots can be found on my mgs4-blarg here
moar bad textured with lame aa shots can be found on my mgs4-blarg here