Job in Denmark
category: general [glöplog]
I'm having the feeling that all Internet trolls are trying to get on my nerves today...
the_aharonid: o.o; ?
then again, after paying tax, denmark is pretty cheap otherwise.. so all in all it's the same as paying 10% in tax and 300 billion for food every day..
Yeah, the danes have too much money to spend.. so they buy up all the apartments, villas and cottages here in Sweden ;P
barti should team up with hugi
classic :)
added on the 2008-06-09 15:51:53 by xiaomega
the_aharonid: o.o; ?
added on the 2008-06-09 15:51:53 by xiaomega
leia, denmark cheap?? yeah, and the cows here dance the tango all the time!
yeah, and the cows here dance the tango all the time!
No, that's the finnish cows. The danish ones eat smørrebrø and drink Tuborg.
denmark is cheap compared to norway, where a crate of beer costs 50 bazillion euros.
even scrooge mcduck cant afford a crate of beer in norway!
while we are at prices in norway, why the hell aren't you allowed to bring potatoes with you when you enter norway ? .. our only explanation is something with a homebrewery, but how hard is it really to grow them yourself anyway.
Denmark isn't cheap, only the beer is. And only compared to beer in Norway.
The taxes you pay don't go towards subsidising things like supermarkets. In fact all the supermarkets, and all the people who work there have to pay a high income tax too, which forces the prices up. So the more tax everyone pays, the more they have to pay for everything else.
The taxes you pay don't go towards subsidising things like supermarkets. In fact all the supermarkets, and all the people who work there have to pay a high income tax too, which forces the prices up. So the more tax everyone pays, the more they have to pay for everything else.
Da evahl zihrkel!!!
One breathtaking, culturedefining and simplistically beatiful argument: SKÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅÅL.
You don't know GFB skrebbel? Well, I would suggest you learn danish (shouldn't take more than 5 years) and put this into your amiga :-D
gfbtm: be careful you don't find your employers an employee who's better and more "efficient" at your job than you are. :K
"cheap" is relative.
steel: into my amiga. uhuh.
seizure, such a short sighted comment. i guess it holds in big recession times, but otherwise it's nonsense.
seizure, such a short sighted comment. i guess it holds in big recession times, but otherwise it's nonsense.
steel cut the guy some slack, hes been here for 3 months and are already capable of carrying out light conversation in Danish. Thats more than most danes are capable of, so thats pretty impressive.
I bet the first danish word that skrebbel learned was "fisse".
And quickly after that he picked up the line "2 kolde fra kassen, tak"
And quickly after that he picked up the line "2 kolde fra kassen, tak"
iblis :D
nutman, in fact, no. the first danish i learnt was "Hej hr Fogh, hvordan går det?", and after that "Nej, kun fadøl tak".
nutman, in fact, no. the first danish i learnt was "Hej hr Fogh, hvordan går det?", and after that "Nej, kun fadøl tak".
don't worry - we'll take Skrebbel into the danish family during Solskogen in a few weeks :)
skrebbel: I don't get why you'd want to address that idiot - and even in a polite manner. Must be some dutch underdog issue... ;)
Anyway, the fadøl sentence makes more sense to me, but bear in mind that most danish fadøl sucks and that the real gems are to be found in bottles.
Anyway, the fadøl sentence makes more sense to me, but bear in mind that most danish fadøl sucks and that the real gems are to be found in bottles.
you sound like you think i just arrived :)
Ok, 'nuff said. I suppose you've learned more meaningful sentences since then. ;)