
Soiled Legacy with WinVICE?

category: general [glöplog]
I'm normally using WinVICE as C64 emulator (works best for me under windows) and it runs mostly quite nice. But when starting 'Soiled Legacy' (X 2001 winner) then I can only watch the 1st image. After attaching the 2nd image nothing happens. Not automaticly and not after hitting some key. WinVICE version is 1.7.44 preview. Any solution (except using real C64 which I never had)?
added on the 2002-01-20 05:48:04 by Crest Crest
Runs perfect on WinVICE here! Win2k even.

However, you might need to disconnect the image entirely, then attach it again.

And be SURE you're emulating the 1541 in it's entirety.
I don't know how well these emulators work today, I stick with the real hardware. Works fine on a C64C + 1541-II.

I never coded on the C64, I just know that c64-productions uses lots of tweaks, can the emulators of today handle that?

I read in the latest issue of vandalism news (37) that "More disapointing is the use of a famous and sofar non-compatible IEQ-loaderroutine (which people still seem to apply unmodified)." (yeah, there's a spelling error in the mag =) ) Perhaps that's the problem with the emulator...

Personally I should really recommend you to get a real c64, since you loose much of the experience with an emulator. A C64 is very cheap today, only problem is finding one. (which shouldn't be so hard if you try). "It's not how little it costs, it's how much you get" as they write in "Soiled Legacy".. Just make sure it has a disk drive.. =)

But if you still want to use an emulator, try tweaking the drive-emulator settings (if they are any) or perhaps try another emulator.. The only emulator that was really good a few years back was the ccs64, don't know the status of that one today..

It's fun though that people still uses the c64, I like that =) Good luck!
added on the 2002-01-20 13:30:55 by fox fox
Sir Garbagetruck: This detach 'trick' worked well, the 2nd image was starting then. First time that I had to detach the 1st image before starting the 2nd one ;-)
fox: The emulators are running quite well nowadays and you can fiddle around with much settings. for a real c64 I have no space left in this small room and much more important: I have not any cent that I can spend for it.
added on the 2002-01-20 16:55:11 by Crest Crest
I haven't tried VICE, but I use CCS64 (the Windows 2.0 beta version) and Soiled Legacy runs just fine there.
added on the 2002-01-20 18:31:30 by phoenix phoenix
Good good (:

I haven't found any C64 demos that don't work on VICE...

And that includes the FreeBSD version of Vice, as well as Windows.
yep, when they don't work on my commie it most of the time works in vice...

which is nice...
added on the 2002-01-21 14:09:02 by lai lai
yes, now i remember... the demo Ecoute et Voir by Faque. This doesn't seem to work in any emulators or my commie... It's just a black screen after the logo and the red IFLI dude, is it supposed to be like that?
added on the 2002-01-21 15:06:42 by lai lai
Sir Garbagetruck: The only demo that makes some problems is '+H2K' (Mekka 2k 2nd place). It crashes around 2 minutes after starting the 2nd image. But I heard that there are also problems with this demo on the CCS64 emulator.
added on the 2002-01-21 18:53:24 by Crest Crest
soiled legacy runs fine in vice, but doesnt work on my c128d because of the irq loader
added on the 2002-09-30 20:48:43 by hollowman hollowman
hollow: it worked fine on my c128d, IIRC
added on the 2002-09-30 23:33:47 by britelite britelite
With +H2K, try switching WinVICE over to 1541-II emulation (the same trick as works with Vandalism 39) and it seems a lot happier.
added on the 2002-10-01 00:56:55 by TMR{C0S} TMR{C0S}
did you try turning on 'true drive emulation'?
added on the 2008-06-17 15:10:54 by fatfrost fatfrost
He probably did. Did you realize you dig up a thread that's six years old?
added on the 2008-06-17 15:12:21 by Preacher Preacher
unfortunately your answer comes too late :/
added on the 2008-06-17 15:12:21 by dipswitch dipswitch
That's really weird, seeing a thread by Crest being bumped :/
added on the 2008-06-17 15:13:34 by okkie okkie
fatfrost, just in case you don't understand the above posts; Crest is no longer with us.
added on the 2008-06-17 16:11:35 by skrebbel skrebbel
...better late than never?
added on the 2008-06-17 16:30:04 by xernobyl xernobyl
the disk-turn detection doesnt checks the disk id, it only checks for disk 'removal' and 'reinsertion' (disk present/not present iirc). however I remember being suprised back at the time that it worked in winvice even without detaching. strange. :)
added on the 2008-06-17 18:12:51 by Oswald Oswald
oh, six years old thread.:) mental note: read the whole thread before posting.
added on the 2008-06-17 18:15:45 by Oswald Oswald
