
Random line of code thread

category: code [glöplog]
i think "�" is a pretty cool allowed_char.
added on the 2008-05-20 11:59:52 by skrebbel skrebbel
yes. I wonder where that came from?!
added on the 2008-05-20 12:02:56 by jaw jaw
mux2_0:mux2_16b port map( Sel =>EX_OUT_SEL, A=>OUT_ALU,B=>OUT_ALU, Z=>EX_OUT);
added on the 2008-05-20 12:42:46 by zeroshift zeroshift
ups, the B parameter should be OUT_MEM :P
added on the 2008-05-20 12:46:19 by zeroshift zeroshift
Twisting blobs at work.

// Generating
for (y=0; y<SWIRL_LOOP; y++)
ang = y * ang_stepY;
for (x=0; x<thread_num; x++)
px = cos((double)x/ang_div + ang) * sin_mul + sin_add;
pz = 1.0 - ((sin((double)y/(ang_div * 4.0) + ang) + 1.0) / 2.0) * 0.75;
DrawBlob(px, y, pz, m_thread_size, swirl_bitmap_color, i0, d00, d01, d02, c00, c01, c02);
DrawBlob(px, y, 1.0, m_thread_size, swirl_bitmap_alpha, i1, d10, d11, d12, c10, c11, c12);

ang += ang_stepX;

Oh shit! I forgot I signed for a disclosure agreement :P
added on the 2008-05-20 12:49:03 by Optimus Optimus
// Drunk, fix later
added on the 2008-05-20 12:49:03 by break break
dc.l $e9c31944 ;bfextu d3{d5:4},d1 (asm-pro bug)
added on the 2008-05-20 13:04:00 by StingRay StingRay
* @todo Methodenbeschreibung überarbeiten (versteht keine Sau!)
added on the 2008-05-20 13:41:51 by d0DgE d0DgE
#include <stdio.h> // will always have that nostalgic flavour... :)
added on the 2008-05-27 16:04:25 by bdk bdk
69 poke 53280,0
added on the 2008-05-27 16:09:52 by r0XX0r r0XX0r
#pragma optimize("", off)
added on the 2008-05-27 18:40:47 by ravity ravity
int level_index = (name >> (16 - (i * 8))) & 0xFF;
added on the 2008-05-27 19:01:58 by kusma kusma
.tran 2m startup
added on the 2008-05-27 19:09:24 by rmeht rmeht
if(y[i]&0x80) z[7]=z[7]|(0x01<<i);
added on the 2008-05-27 19:34:56 by bizun_ bizun_
Code:void ThingCollection::listRegionID( Rect r, std::vector<Thing*> *dumpList, int mask, LONGLONG opID ) { for( int i=0; i<(int)list.size(); i++ ) if( ( list[ i ]->flags & mask ) && ( list[ i ]->refID( opID ) ) && ( list[ i ]->bb.overlaps( r ) ) ) dumpList->push_back( list[ i ] ); if( isBranch ) { if( childUL->weight && r.overlaps( childUL->bb ) ) childUL->listRegionID( r, dumpList, mask, opID ); if( childUR->weight && r.overlaps( childUR->bb ) ) childUR->listRegionID( r, dumpList, mask, opID ); if( childLL->weight && r.overlaps( childLL->bb ) ) childLL->listRegionID( r, dumpList, mask, opID ); if( childLR->weight && r.overlaps( childLR->bb ) ) childLR->listRegionID( r, dumpList, mask, opID ); } }

<3 my pretty code.
added on the 2008-05-27 19:50:44 by doomdoom doomdoom
Oh shit! I forgot I signed for a disclosure agreement :P

Well if it's only a DA and not an NDA then I guess there is no problem? :)
added on the 2008-05-27 19:52:44 by waffle waffle
bool drunk;
bool pouet_access;

if (drunk = TRUE) pouet_access = FALSE;

DAMN,somehow i must have cracked that right atm.!
if that means i´m a cracker now,call me Polly....and i thought i just had some beers only...lol.!
Code:public void universeImplode() { for (;;) { (new Thread() { public void run() { universeImplode(); } }).start(); } }
added on the 2008-05-27 20:19:04 by hashdash hashdash
<table cellspacing=0><script>s=[12,1,2,1,6];for(y=25;y--;document.write("<td width="+s[y]*32+" height="+s[y<5?4:y/5]*32+(z<2?" ":" bgcolor=")+(z>2?"ef2b2d>":"002868>")+(y%5?"":"<tr")))z="3121311211222"[y>12?24-y:y]</script>
added on the 2008-05-27 21:29:56 by rudi rudi
:(){ :|:& };:
added on the 2008-05-27 23:30:21 by Anat Anat
Code:QMap<QPointF*, QMap<QPointF*,QMap<QPointF*,QList<QPair<QPointF*,QPointF* >* >* >>> mEdgeCandidates;

added on the 2008-05-27 23:56:02 by hfr hfr
cocoon. if this is C, drunk is true pretty much all of the time ;)
added on the 2008-05-28 00:15:28 by raer raer
if (drunk = TRUE)

classic :D
added on the 2008-05-28 00:18:48 by StingRay StingRay
ahaha capital ! \o/ Fits both the statement (although not intended) && the coder's condition
added on the 2008-05-28 00:39:51 by d0DgE d0DgE
i already said it twice...: i´m not ALWAYS drunken.! ;)

just when i code.!


it was the other-way ´round....

...@BP i got heavily drunk,coZ Gargaj let me think i wouldn´t get a Demobox and therewith Bonzai Bros couldn´t attend NVISION .! ( I just thought its the same as always...if i have to do with sth it won´t work out.!)

oh,wait...its a phun-Thread about code.....so letz put a tiny,little bit of code right in here.: (there...or everywhere you want.!)

PI*($) * $ed * 1.234b (b is 4 bloating code) = 237 * 1.234 = 1,2,3,4 times pissed.! ;)


Bo(nzai) (b) Ross
