Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]


LOL. Tried to confuse it but it didn't :P

But it found my friend sotsoft. HAHAHA!!!
arrrghs :D

if interpol knew about the website:

Seems all that algorithm does is find a picture of a celebrity whose face is at the same angle wrt the camera.

Best image I've seen in the last few weeks :D

Bum Wrestling. A popular sport in Brighton and my household.

Am I great or what!

I come in all sorts of sexes and colors, and I'm great at football and physics, and I'm superman... anyway that seems to proof what yesso said... most of the faces are in the same angle as mine. Except Condy Rice
But on a really strange situation I uploaded a nice photo of Toshiro Mifune and the program recognized him with 50% chances... weird.

I come in all sorts of sexes and colors, and I'm great at football and physics, and I'm superman... anyway that seems to proof what yesso said... most of the faces are in the same angle as mine. Except Condy Rice
But on a really strange situation I uploaded a nice photo of Toshiro Mifune and the program recognized him with 50% chances... weird.
xernobyl: but still you seem to use a sucky browser
which makes you a loser, because only with F1R3F0X you're part of the gang!!1
That tool is actually quite fun when you try pictures from gfx-zone to find out which real life celebrities where copied :)
the prequel:

Almost ;-)