Demo'ish objects
category: offtopic [glöplog]
relias abardon @ oneliner
wow, seems entertaining!

neoneye: disgusting? on pouet? stop it you're making me laugh!!!

Sorry for the disgusting picture here, but it could be fun to see something like this in a demo. Maybe a few demos already exists with meat in them?
neoneye: ain't a demo but try the wild stuff "fleisch" by taunus :)
puenzli: hehe. Thanks for the link, didn't understand it, good music was good though. My question/suggestion/idea was a meat generator that outputs ugly patterns, but as usual I forgot to mention it. Personally I am facinated by organic ugly patterns and have so far only made something that looks like brain.

There is still something wrong with my meat.

To generate the original meat pattern one may have to go 3d. Don't think 2d efx will do.

There is still something wrong with my meat.

To generate the original meat pattern one may have to go 3d. Don't think 2d efx will do.
brQderick: oh that looks familiar :-)

I'm working on Voronoi clusters now ;)

easy to guess I suppose.

elementar bismuth =)
0rel: nice find!
whoa, moar!
gorgeous! waiting to see that growing in upcoming prodz :)

That's a knitted and felted moebius-bowl btw. My fiancee made that one a year ago... She has other knitted moebius-objects as well, but this one looks most freaky.
torus: =)
Let's not forget Klein bottles

Let's not forget Klein bottles
