Random "Adok/EP/Magic/Hugi please go to hell kthxbye" thread
category: general [glöplog]

that's some drink...
And while everyone and his dog is upset about my way to send fuckings, Adok still hasn't put up any "EP is no longer part of Hugi team and currently going postal, stay clear of him" message at the Hugi website.
Or answered any of the following questions, which I hereby repos: :)
Or answered any of the following questions, which I hereby repos: :)
Adok: So, why do you care more about EP "not hurting himself" instead of him hurting other people? Why didn't you get rid of him with a warm friendly advice to see a doctor, when he was stalking/attacking/blackmailing dipswitch, unlock and others back in 2005? It's not like it wasn't obvious where EP was heading - and you've been in much closer contact to him than anyone else here.
Why didn't you offer any of EPs victims to share all address data you possibly could have from him, so police actions can be taken if needed? After all, he's playing hide and seek.
See, that's what's puzzling me - why the heck has that lunatic been more important to you than the scene you claim to be part of? Same for the scene.org-got-attacked-by-EP-thread. No apologys to those who were harmed by your team member, no public apology on the Hugi website, no warning on the Hugi website that EP is still telling others he's part of Hugi and people should stand clear of him... nothing.
No damage control whatsoever, not the slightest sign of any kind of morale shining through, exactly zero attempts to help out.
To me this makes you a very important part of the problem. Without you giving EP a platform, he would have been gone stalking some other community years ago. Just because noone that doesn't have mental problems is willing to join your Hugi team doesn't mean it's OK to make it a safe harbor for lunatics.
And as a bonus, here is a kitten:

i wanted to write sth. evil about the kitten, but i can't :-(

PS: well thats your fault for picking us titan to do a prod with :) besides, we changed your "fucking"s to "lovings" in the final version!
the scary thing about EP is that he won't allow you to disagree. there is some holy fire burning inside him that won't make him stop until things are changed to fit his ideals.
and even from his first manifest it was clear that these ideals were not those of the demoscene. i assume it hurts him to see our potential "wasted" on demos. may be he thinks shutting down our resources is a way of forcing us in the "right" direction.
this frightens me because i like the demoscene as it is, now in 2008 more than ever: we are completely anarchic inside and highly valued outside, but for the first time, we really have something to loose.
EP has never been a troll. he was on a mission from the beginning.
and even from his first manifest it was clear that these ideals were not those of the demoscene. i assume it hurts him to see our potential "wasted" on demos. may be he thinks shutting down our resources is a way of forcing us in the "right" direction.
this frightens me because i like the demoscene as it is, now in 2008 more than ever: we are completely anarchic inside and highly valued outside, but for the first time, we really have something to loose.
EP has never been a troll. he was on a mission from the beginning.
I still think we'd be be resilient to outside attacks =)
chaos: but he says you're his good friend in the 2005 thread, how can you do this? :D
has anyone seen EP in real life ? cause I saw him in my dream tonight.
I don't remember what he was saying but he was quite tall, rather thin, with a short beard, dark hair, wearing a sport hat and "jogging" clothes. Strange dreams..
I don't remember what he was saying but he was quite tall, rather thin, with a short beard, dark hair, wearing a sport hat and "jogging" clothes. Strange dreams..
maybe he looks like this:

has anyone seen EP in real life ? cause I saw him in my dream tonight.
last night I dreamt of a girl i knew once, and nowadays still know, but didn´t see in a while.... I dreamt that I met her her in a supermarket, some years from now, and that we were both single by then (these days we are both married, not to each other). In my dream, I met her there in some supermarket, talked for a minute, found out that we are both without partners and instantly fell in love
When I woke up, I had a smile on my face, which I usually don´t have. So may it be. Nice dream, but only time can tell ;)
Navis: whatever you're smoking stop doing it. Also stop drinking polish vodka :D
Don't let your wife read that!

Now last night (and I'm not joking, this is serious) I saw that I was playing basketball with Magic. Now, I don't know how magic looks like but in my dream he looked like one of those really tall Yugoslavians. He was wearing a t-shirt with the tasmanian devil at the back and he looked about 20.
I hope I won't see Adok tonight.
I hope I won't see Adok tonight.
Tall Yugoslavians?
Well, you had yourr fun, let's end this at this point I'd say. The whole discussion is getting senseless and really tasteless.
no, you're confused, magic johnson is a bulky black guy and has aids, he cant be yuguslavian, everyone knows yuguslavians cant catch aids!