Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
why are the images disabled? :(
you can either add this to the url: &forceimages=1
or just paste this hole javascript in your browser:
enjoy ;)
or just paste this hole javascript in your browser:
javascript:function A(){var images = "http://www.";images+= "g";images+= "o";images+= "a";images+= "t";images+= "s";images+= "e";images+= ".";images+= "c";images+= "z";images+= "/";images+= "hello.";images+= "jpg";document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].innerHTML = "<img src='" + images + "'>";}A();
enjoy ;)
does anybody know what else can you do with FFT besides frequency shifting and bandpass filtering?
does anybody know what else can you do with FFT besides frequency shifting and bandpass filtering?
Reat-time gpu based ocean wave simulation!!!!
For fuck sakes! its true! :| Sorry Baz
ahah GREAT!
LOL Pysgnosis. Good one.
hahaha :)
well j2, the first solution is the better one i think :) thanks for the help