Ars Electronica 2003
category: general [glöplog]
What's your opinion on the demo scene performance at this year's Ars Electronica? Was it a good idea? What's your impression on the impact: Did visitors really take notice of the scene; did the demos stand out so much of the other works of art presented at the show that people remembered them? Has it made the scene significantly more popular a) among the general public, b) among other media artists? Has it conferred any profit for the demo scene? Will it have the consequence that the demo scene will be covered more often on TV and other mass media?
I think it was a good idea. I can't say how much people understood what it is all about, but I wouldn't see that as a negative aspect.
the demoscene part surely was a part the AE benefited from.
after all, I still don't think it's a good idea to push the scene too much into the direction of mainstream and mass media. simply too many people don't really understand and probably won't ever really understand what it is all about, so the result might be crap. some reports and stuff are o.k., but not more.
the demoscene part surely was a part the AE benefited from.
after all, I still don't think it's a good idea to push the scene too much into the direction of mainstream and mass media. simply too many people don't really understand and probably won't ever really understand what it is all about, so the result might be crap. some reports and stuff are o.k., but not more.