[thread disabled]
category: general [glöplog]
[post disabled]
[reply to post disabled]
[picture of discusting fat chick eating pooo]
[...which is disabled]
[picture of disabled fat chick]
enabled reply to this [disabled thread]
[thread closed]
[thread closing disabled]
[open square bracket closed]
eat dick and die
[uns3en_ disabled]
[disabled disabled]
[ümlaüts disabled]
[picture of your mom!]
[pwned mofos!]
[pwned mofos!]
[retort disabled]
[un?code d?sabled]
[hay guys. wats going on in dis thread?]
[ It's a Kinda is a Protest to the [Image Disabled] in the image theads]
[I rather think it's a thread to test if your bracket keys are working]