ep/hugi trying to destroy our demoscene community?
category: general [glöplog]
Gargaj: Yes please. And perhaps an option for the thread starter to disable pictures altogether to make retarted pouetization a bit less of a threat to sensible threads?
gargaj: that would really solve the "pouet at work" problem, which is a real one. but not the "have fun with random images without fearing nightmares later on" problem.

Iq / Chaos : of course you can't. As an active / productive scener you just have to STFU and endure the idiocy of a minority of unproductive idiots for whom Pouet.net is a playground like 4chan, the demoscene aspect of it being barely their concern. It's called freedom of speech, as they say, or well, their freedom of speech.
And don't ever try to improve the situation or people like Zest, Stefan or Blala will call you a nazi / facist / fancy birdname !
Let those "demoscene people" have their fun too damn it !
And don't ever try to improve the situation or people like Zest, Stefan or Blala will call you a nazi / facist / fancy birdname !
Let those "demoscene people" have their fun too damn it !
Preacher: I dont like that idea that much.
Chaos: so any ideas for that one? :D
Chaos: so any ideas for that one? :D
testing time!
so how do you like pouet now? :)
so how do you like pouet now? :)
1) implement the "office" switch
2) don't try to censor unless you accidentally step upon really "forbidden" images
3) i should use IRC now and then :-)
1) implement the "office" switch
2) don't try to censor unless you accidentally step upon really "forbidden" images
3) i should use IRC now and then :-)
wow! (i didn't expect less from you <3 )
what chaos said :)
if you can implement this thing as an optional feature , it will be just fine :)
if you can implement this thing as an optional feature , it will be just fine :)
the question is, for people logged off, should it be images or links?
Finally some good that benefits the scene and pouet comes out of this thread! No trolling or pouetizing can be done.. I am proud of you guys!
links! can't scare away newcomers :)
Gargaj : off, definitely.
off +1
oh, and how about enabling it by default for garfield, random image, pouet logo and other graphical threads? :)
ok, so now it's off.
worksafe pouët, that's the best thing since sliced bread! 
(you probably won't see the thumb up if you're worksafeing :))

(you probably won't see the thumb up if you're worksafeing :))
oh yeah, the thumbs and cdcs and stuff have to be always enabled, even if you are using worksafe pouet :)
oh btw, the no-pics rule also goes for prod comments.
I was kinda waiting for that reply \o/
what about the avatars? just kidding
anyway, back to the real subject of this thread again (damn ppl who always derail serious discussions!!! :P) now delete all hugi releases from the database!!!
or replace the links by [hugi].