ep/hugi trying to destroy our demoscene community?
category: general [glöplog]
maybe cos he threats adok too :P
i can't recall things properly, but i think he started to get pissed off after we refused to publish more than one first article in pain. dipswitch published a reaction on that article in the same issue and thus got to be the number one opponent for a while. hence the death threats against him, as well as the flame websites against Dipswitch, me, Hitchhikr and some others... I can't remember what happened afterwards and didn't really follow the Hugi things. I think that's where Gargaj's "long story short" slides in.
rc55: I'm happy that Hugi has got a new article writer. I'm looking forward to your first article.
Maali: When reading your statement, one has to ask oneself: What's the difference between EP and Maali?

I think EP... just envy on pouet little bit...
Pouet is mainstream...
And it is beautiful place.
Pouet is mainstream...
And it is beautiful place.
We are already working on Hugi #35 and are looking forward to your articles.
As I've already written in this thread, EP has decided not to write for Hugi any more.Thats what I would expect from any sane person. From Adok & CO I expect that its the same procedure as last time, ignore the harassments and provide space in hugi for EP if he feels like writing more crap.
We are already working on Hugi #35 and are looking forward to your articles.
dalezy: satanic terrorists on high kidnaps children while listening to Profanatica and watchin Al-Jazeera...
Sorry, I'm a bit drunk (at 4pm) and this sentence is as stupid as ep.
Sorry, I'm a bit drunk (at 4pm) and this sentence is as stupid as ep.
EP, what a pathetic lamer. I think we is going to be the first murdered lamer in scene history.
we = he
Oh man, I'm gonna have nothing to do with Hugi now.
added on the 2008-04-04 by rc55
rc55: I'm happy that Hugi has got a new article writer. I'm looking forward to your first article.
added on the 2008-04-04 by Adok
ladies and gentleman, the main editor.
Gargaj: yeah.. no wonder that Hugi took EP into the team if this is the way it works ;)
adok: here's a difference: i dont death threat you (yet)
I really like how Adok absolutely doesn't take a stance towards ep's behaviour except for the 'he's not writing for hugi anymore'.
Thanks Adok, for giving this unstable fucktard a platform to express his thoughts! Now we can all enjoy his delusional attack towards a niche group of electronic hobbyists.
Thanks Adok, for giving this unstable fucktard a platform to express his thoughts! Now we can all enjoy his delusional attack towards a niche group of electronic hobbyists.
it's remarkable that that the hugi team feels no urge to take a stance towards ep's behaviour except for the 'he's not writing for hugi anymore' - eventhough ep SIGNS his threat mails with hugi.scene.org.
don't have anything more to say about this affair, it costed me too much nerves all over the years.
don't have anything more to say about this affair, it costed me too much nerves all over the years.
Yeah, it's all fine that that ep-guy will not write for hugi anymore, but the reason sucks.
The right reason would be "ep is kicked out of the hugi-team". The "ep doesn't want to write for hugi anymore" is exactly the same as "we support all his actions and will throw a big party if he returns to the hugi-team".
The right reason would be "ep is kicked out of the hugi-team". The "ep doesn't want to write for hugi anymore" is exactly the same as "we support all his actions and will throw a big party if he returns to the hugi-team".
i cant imagine being in the scene without making stuff, all this bullshit must probably matter to somebody. but there isn't exactly that ep is fucking insane, and there ain't a newsflash that the hugi standards for articles have been rather high either. well, that's my 2 cents.
dipswitch: I've already written in the beginning that Hugi doesn't have anything to do with EP's behaviour.
If Maali posts his "death threats" (quote: "i dont death threat you (yet)"), how can we prevent that he signs them with hugi.scene.org, too?eventhough ep SIGNS his threat mails with hugi.scene.org.
adok, you wouldnt recognize sarcasm when it would sit on your face and fart the austrian national anthem, would you?
Adok: saying that Hugi doesn't have anything to do with EP's behavious and that he's not a member of the Royal Family or whatever is a whole different matter and a lot less than saying that Hugi condemns EP's behaviour and doesn't want anything to do with him.
i cant see a news item on http://www.hugimag.co.uk/main.php concerning that.
dipswitch: I've already written in the beginning that Hugi doesn't have anything to do with EP's behaviour.
Ok. What about EP himself?
i'm amazed anyone still contributes to hugi at all after all this business.