IQ test results form sceners?
category: general [glöplog]
What iq said :D
I once did a test and finished it with 180 or something. This is not the first thread about this issue!
I once did a test and finished it with 180 or something. This is not the first thread about this issue!
IQ is pretty irrelevant, it only measures your ability to do a few things. It's possible to be be a genius at doing those, and absolutely stupid in general (see adok). A better theory is 'multiple intelligences', but I think it's still fairly useless. It's all so subjective.
Also, the scores IQ tests give vary wildly, so you can only compare if you're doing the same test as everyone else. I seem to recall that the mensa test actually gives a higher score than most too.
Anyway, if you want to compare IQs, I recommend practising a fair bit first, you can increase your score a lot if you learn how the different parts of the tests work and how to do them faster + more accurately ;)
Also, the scores IQ tests give vary wildly, so you can only compare if you're doing the same test as everyone else. I seem to recall that the mensa test actually gives a higher score than most too.
Anyway, if you want to compare IQs, I recommend practising a fair bit first, you can increase your score a lot if you learn how the different parts of the tests work and how to do them faster + more accurately ;)
Ok, xernobyl started, so I'm gonna throw some penis measures too. We made an experiment in rgba with such an online test long time ago, artists included. We got from 130 to 155. But I'm sure we could do quite better with less chip mzk on winamp while making the test (and as said before, with a bit of training). So what? I really doubt predicting color patterns helps understanding how good I am at understanding real life events. You can get a high score and be a complete idiot in many aspects of normal life. Guaranteed.
Last time I took some stupid IQ test consisting of all kinds of parts (linguistic/abstract/mathematical/&c) I got an overall score of 128 which doesn't really say that much to me. I don't remember what were my scores in the separate parts except that in the linguistic part it was 140.
But I really don't believe in that kind of bullshit. I just feel stupid an depressed as my life passes by while I'm wasting it on important stuff like getting totally wasted.
But I really don't believe in that kind of bullshit. I just feel stupid an depressed as my life passes by while I'm wasting it on important stuff like getting totally wasted.
Vielen Dank, dass Sie den Mensa Online-Test ausgefüllt haben. Sie haben 20 von 33 Fragen richtig beantwortet, und haben daher wenig Chancen, beim Aufnahmetest das Mensa-Kriterium zu erreichen.
lucky me!
Well, it's been proven it's not so important and there has been some years ago this new trend about evaluating people's EQ (or something like "emotionnal quotient") but then I wonder what they'll find in some years.
There are people able to do some stuff that some others are not and in the end, it's quite all about it. These people sometimes can't do other things that some others -again- will be able to achieve.
I mean, are you able to settle your throne as the prince of bel air?
There are people able to do some stuff that some others are not and in the end, it's quite all about it. These people sometimes can't do other things that some others -again- will be able to achieve.
I mean, are you able to settle your throne as the prince of bel air?
I've scored both 145 and 87. so don't know what that makes of me. a retarded genius or whatnot.
I seem to still be able to understand German a little bit (25/33), but the fuck does gegenüberliegende mean? It sounds and looks stupid to say the least, gegenüberliegende.
but the fuck = wtf
in front of
this thread gave "Enlarge your penis" a whole new meaning!
lol yes winnerdemomässig
Best test I ever did was an online test that took the time you spent on each question into account. By clicking through the questions really fast, you could get outrageous scores like 300 or something, cause even if most of the answers are wrong, only an ultragenius could do the whole test in mere seconds, right? I consider that the best test ever because it actually rewarded you for cheating the system, and what's more intelligent than thinking outside the box, right?
Anyway problem solving is a shitty measure of intelligence. I'd say the ability to function in an environment without definite answers (a thing that IQ tests specifically don't address) is much more relevant to whether you're dumb or smart.
Anyway problem solving is a shitty measure of intelligence. I'd say the ability to function in an environment without definite answers (a thing that IQ tests specifically don't address) is much more relevant to whether you're dumb or smart.
It wasn't a good idea to revive the adok threads, because of mine. I was not posing around or didn't want anybody to post the real IQ. I just wanted to know a tendece of it here. I expeced it to be a little better than everage. Also I expected that some find out it has very high deltas here at pouet like 87 to 145, as this seems realistic to me and is a sign for creative different moods and thinking. (I really think I'll get 70 or so myself, one of the reasons I don't really do one. But an anonym test for everybody here would be fine thing.)
Also I've read some shit about the IQ telling, people with high IQ are not smoking, drinking alcohol or taking any kind of drugs. (yes they stopped living at all. :D)
This seems not very logical to me. My very old shitty demos I coded were mostly done staying awake for more than 3 days having lots of fun with others and the more I was tired the better the flow was.
I can also really imagine most have a soft spot just for things like that, as it gives the possibility to stop thinking. thinking is not wanted in every situation of life.
thanks already for so much answers and humor about this topic.
Also I've read some shit about the IQ telling, people with high IQ are not smoking, drinking alcohol or taking any kind of drugs. (yes they stopped living at all. :D)
This seems not very logical to me. My very old shitty demos I coded were mostly done staying awake for more than 3 days having lots of fun with others and the more I was tired the better the flow was.
I can also really imagine most have a soft spot just for things like that, as it gives the possibility to stop thinking. thinking is not wanted in every situation of life.
thanks already for so much answers and humor about this topic.
*sigh* skrebble, you defnitly didnt hug me enough at breakpoint :(
sry :(
i did 25/33 as well

It's possible to be be a genius at doing those, and absolutely stupid in general (see adok)
i was tested at 8 years old or something, rated somewhere like 138. but that doesnt mean anything indeed.
i was tested to around 180 and look what happened :(