Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
That's nothing compared to their realtime video resizers. They can enchance video recorded from phones so much that you can even see cells!!! And the don't need electron microscopes to do it!
*the = they
Yeah, or when they got another angle from a surveillance camera by looking at the reflection off someone's eyeball!
omfg you mean there's stuff in csi that's not real? :-(
zomg you guys actually watch this bollocks ? o_-
Yeah, automagic infinite image upsampling, that's too much :)
But the hardest thing to stand for me was Swordfish, expecially when the protagonist "programs" the worm ?WTF!? :.[ gh
But the hardest thing to stand for me was Swordfish, expecially when the protagonist "programs" the worm ?WTF!? :.[ gh
even worse was when they enhanced an image of a camera in the TV series "Bones" with a "linear interpolation" from a bunch of pixel to a (Ultra-)HD image so that they could recognise someone reflected by a window :P
btw. the only movie I know where the computer stuff is quite realistic is 23
speedy cat sure is speedy