
medical imaging in demos

category: general [glöplog]
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added on the 2008-03-12 15:12:18 by el mal el mal
oh and obviously
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added on the 2008-03-12 15:17:48 by el mal el mal
Maali: right! (Navis, isn't this one?)
added on the 2008-03-12 17:35:56 by bdk bdk
(...or better: this?)
added on the 2008-03-12 17:37:47 by bdk bdk
hm could be it... heavy meshoptimizer over that, perhaps some retriangulation or possibly setting a different level of subd (which probably gives a nicer look than retriangulation, having triangles of ~ equal size). so that it looks nicer and you're done :D
added on the 2008-03-12 17:47:54 by el mal el mal
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added on the 2008-03-12 18:01:24 by oxb oxb
