Documentary films worth a look
category: general [glöplog]
And if you want to call it a documentary...
/me likes
I have seen baraka in a shop but it was like €30! I'm not gonna pay more than €10 for a DVD.
Heh, it's not only "baraka" but a website listing many nonverbal films/documentaries :)
Now, where's Iblis?
@xernobyl: No Koyaanisqatsi is not a documentary, but it kicks ass!
An eye openner:
The Power of Nightmares
You seem to be able to download this here:
The Power of Nightmares
You seem to be able to download this here:
Google Video - Buy DVD/stream
One of the scariest movies I have seen. What we have in stock for the future unless the masses are awakened and mobilized to defeat the plans for an undemocratic world government known as the New World Order, which is being implemented by the global elite right now.
Watch trailer/buy DVD
Haven't seen it yet, but looks interesting. About how chemicals and other junk in the food we eat is used as a bioweapon to keep the population down.!%3F
Even if it is considered a mix of quantum mechanics and pseudoscience, I did enjoyed watching it.
Even if it is considered a mix of quantum mechanics and pseudoscience, I did enjoyed watching it.
Want to see.
I has it.Another one on the to-see list
Taxi to the Dark Side about all the torturing going on in the name of fighting terrorists. Just won an Oscar for best documentary.
Taxi to the Dark Side about all the torturing going on in the name of fighting terrorists. Just won an Oscar for best documentary.