
breakpoint 2008

category: general [glöplog]
xerno you're reading it wrong, it's 1x back and 1x forth
added on the 2008-02-05 22:59:48 by dipswitch dipswitch
xernobyl: look at the dates column you fruit!
added on the 2008-02-05 23:00:49 by psenough psenough
I am doing it wrong :S
Didn't notice the Departure/Arrival part. My bad.
added on the 2008-02-05 23:03:31 by xernobyl xernobyl
in completely unrelated news, people interested in a executable 4k graphics compo should contact us on the hotline ml (see announcement in the bp news).
added on the 2008-02-06 01:15:02 by ryg ryg
what about floppy throwing?
added on the 2008-02-06 01:54:49 by el mal el mal
go magic :D

yer a ignorant fucker, aint ya?
added on the 2008-02-06 02:17:12 by quisten quisten
No, I don't want a reply. No, I don't want more private mails or messages from you. Just SHUT UP and go away, kill yourself or do whatever you wish

Scamp: Whatever happened to "Geh weg - bin busy"? ;)
I totally support Maali!
did late january get a bit stretched forward to february now? =)
added on the 2008-02-06 11:25:26 by dalezr dalezr
oh come on... if a party organizer says "it will be announced at X", it actually means "we would LIKE it to be announced at X, but that's pretty much the best case scenario and actually it means some time after X if stars don't align"... i thought everyone knew that :o
added on the 2008-02-06 11:28:15 by Gargaj Gargaj
I think BP organizing should be made strictly responsible for misisng deadlines... because demogroups always deliver productions on ti.... wait a minute.
added on the 2008-02-06 11:48:35 by Axel Axel
uh, did magic ever deliver anything at a compo?
added on the 2008-02-06 11:53:16 by dalezr dalezr
did he ever show up at a demoparty?
added on the 2008-02-06 11:58:26 by skrebbel skrebbel
He was at BP'06 I think.. I remember talking with him.
added on the 2008-02-06 12:09:11 by Preacher Preacher
oh. scary. i always thought magic was a mere shane - uk + nl - clue
added on the 2008-02-06 12:11:32 by skrebbel skrebbel
First to post a picture of Magic at a party wins a lollypop.
added on the 2008-02-06 13:12:29 by tFt tFt
tft: I tried!

Well, at least I gave it 10 minutes...

Instead, I decided to print out and organize my tickets for BP - and lost the confirmation email from Airberlin in the process. Woohoo! \o/
Well, at least I printed it before it magically disappeared from gmail and, luckily, I was able to retrieve the text using Google Desktop - well, what a morning I've had, eh? ;)
uh, did magic ever deliver anything at a compo?

did he ever show up at a demoparty?

Yes and yes.

I talked to him at BP'06, where he took part in the "Moonstone" demo from Nah-kolor & Anadune.

Just saw it on Youtube again - soooo nice music, I think.
where he took part
added on the 2008-02-08 10:14:25 by skrebbel skrebbel
Well, he's credited, so I assume he did something in that demo.
read the nfo. put in more actual terminology, he "did the demotool"
added on the 2008-02-08 10:30:25 by skrebbel skrebbel
Had no intention of downloading 17,7 MB just to read what Magic did in that demo, but you sparked my interest.

Good I did it, because I had a few laughs, to say the least. Also, I learned a little about Magic, so here we go...

First, I noticed this line:

Debby for letting Magic go to breakpoint 2006 8)

Can I assume some girl named Debby is the reason for Magic almost never attending any demoparties? ;) (sorry, Magic, but you gotta grow some balls eventually. Trust me, I KNOW what I am talking about!)

Ok, then this:


Programming purposes - Artur: acryl35@o2.pl
Visual purposes - Przemek: mantraz@op.pl
Musical purposes - Jochen: virgill@scene.org
No purposes - Magic: magic_nah@hotmail.com

Why would one contact Magic for no purpose????? :D

And, finally, this:

Ati Testing, delevering at compo and moral support:

So, he did the demotool, eh? ;)

Actually, he IS the demotool.
added on the 2008-02-08 10:52:36 by kusma kusma
So, he did the demotool, eh? ;)

Magic? Nah.

Who's playing this year? Bass? Some lame chiptune/game cover band? Some decent chipmusicians? =)
The C64 Orchestra......? It's very fashionable nowadays.
added on the 2008-02-08 10:53:40 by xernobyl xernobyl
Debby for letting Magic go to breakpoint 2006 8)

uh, i thought they just happened to share the same car? :D
added on the 2008-02-08 12:15:39 by dalezr dalezr
