Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]

Just do googlez0rz image search for 'ramana levitation' - he always levitates in the same posture with grabing metal pipe that 'magically' grows from beneath his carpet.

That image is far from being blank.
xernobyl: that is because it is a self-refuting meta-reference :-)

:D :D

That dude with the glasses is like
"If you come one inch closer to Britney I'll fuck you up!"

"If you come one inch closer to Britney I'll fuck you up!"

haha :p
kiddy is not amused o_o
kiddy is not amused o_o
What do you mean P01 ? He doesn't look special at all IMHO (just a funny expression), and the photo is photoshoped no ?

i love their url.
Waw !
actually, the url doesn't even work. guess this is a scam.
skrebbel: I wish it was.