
fix me beautifull

category: general [glöplog]
mysql> select id from prods where download like 'ftp://ftp.untergrund.net/users/evoke/%';
| id |
| 18754 |
| 18762 |
| 18775 |
| 18777 |
| 18791 |
| 18792 |
| 18793 |
| 18794 |
| 18795 |
| 25860 |
| 25865 |
| 25866 |
| 25867 |
| 25876 |
| 25980 |
15 rows in set (0.03 sec)
added on the 2008-01-07 06:08:39 by psenough psenough
Why you changed the download url of all
prods to point to a ".adf.zip" instead of the download page? :|
What if someone wants to download a ".lhz" or ".zip"?
added on the 2008-01-07 18:15:36 by Angel Angel
Change the name, plz.
Delete - commercial.
Delete - not demoscene related.

Sorry for wasting your time by my stupidity.
added on the 2008-01-07 18:40:24 by wrthlss wrthlss

that is not just a Focus release, infact we/i did way little compared to the other groups, like Blues Muz', Cosine (they initiated the thing), Creators, Crest, Dual Crew Shining, Fairlight, Focus, Onslaught, Padua, Plush, Slash Design).

See http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/?id=6403.
added on the 2008-01-07 22:04:55 by Sander Sander

that is not just a Focus release, infact we/i did way little compared to the other groups, like Blues Muz', Cosine (they initiated the thing), Creators, Crest, Dual Crew Shining, Fairlight, Focus, Onslaught, Padua, Plush, Slash Design).

see http://noname.c64.org/csdb/release/?id=6403.
added on the 2008-01-07 22:08:00 by Sander Sander
Is already on pouet, but credited (due to the limitation on number of groups to a release) to horizon, triad and instinct only.
That one is here: http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=26778.
added on the 2008-01-07 22:22:46 by Sander Sander
Angel, done.
GJN : name changed, i can't do the rest, Gargaj? ps?
Sander, i dunno what to do concerning that issue, i'll let admins decide for me.
added on the 2008-01-07 22:38:37 by iks iks
angel: wasnt me who changed the links, i was indiferent to it pointing to the webpage instead of a .zip

whoever gloperator who fixed it please explain your reasons to angel

everything else: fixed
added on the 2008-01-08 06:31:49 by psenough psenough
added on the 2008-01-08 14:08:33 by keops keops
please change the release party for Obnoxoius to "Dan's Lustiges Kinderfest". Thanx
added on the 2008-01-08 14:14:21 by samurai samurai
ps: thx :)
added on the 2008-01-08 14:40:48 by Angel Angel
please always use bbcode in this thread when refering to broken things.

added on the 2008-01-08 16:16:13 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
please always use bbcode in this thread when refering to broken things.

added on the 2008-01-08 17:08:58 by hitchhikr hitchhikr
The Day The Earth Was Born (tpolm) Youtube:

added on the 2008-01-08 23:26:07 by rc55 rc55
