Demo'ish objects
category: offtopic [glöplog]


black is the lotus.

copper shading anyone ??

Near where i work everyday
is this a permant installation? 'cause I'm going to go to belgium next year.
It is the dexia tower at place rogier in bruxelles

page said will be available during winter from 22 october until 22 december
also its only available after 20 or something like this

page said will be available during winter from 22 october until 22 december
also its only available after 20 or something like this
Copper bars.

Yum... I always loved minerals, expecially copper sulfate

(it's also a byproduct of some circuit board etching systems... free copper sulfate!! \o/)

(it's also a byproduct of some circuit board etching systems... free copper sulfate!! \o/)

Realtime Cube Rotation in a local circus

thx elfh!!
Video of the Realtime Cube Rotation