What's your favourite demogroup logo?
category: general [glöplog]
What's your favourite demogroup logo?
Personally, I'm rather partial to the Haujobb logo.
Personally, I'm rather partial to the Haujobb logo.
One of the old FLT logos from the Amiga scene... (Cracktro)
joe is back
the melon design black + white logo is just perfect
For me also, the fairlight logos of old. Pure magic.
the kewlers logo rule
does any group besides haujobb and melon dezign actually have one logo? afair i've always seen different kinds of logos/types when it comes to other groups.
let's rephrase that: did any group besides hjb or melon dezign actually stick to one logo-design? =)
The Melon one is cool. Also I like the Madwizards logo in FFK
hint: conspiracy ;)
Who didn't enjoy Uno's marvelous logo work for Phenomena and Scoopex :)
for me it's calodox logo...absolutely great!
the "triforce" of Razor 1911 is cool :)
I like the Madwizards cat too but the Melon, Hjb and Fairlight ones are classics.
Joe's molten metal TRSI one is way coool...
Oops, I didn't mean the cat logo, I meant the stone looking one with flowers round it, but I like the cat too.

That one is cool. But the old fairlight logo from amiga days was better.
This one:

That TRSI logo is one of my all time favourites for sure, but I've always loved Ra's twisting logos, like those in Arte and the magnificent Virtual Dreams logo from Psychedelic.
I think the logos in Oxygene's demos are also worth a mention, so are all these amazing logos by Kenet - http://kenet.planet-d.net/gfxs.htm - one of my favourite logo artists of recent times.
I guess there are just too many great logos to choose a favourite.
I think the logos in Oxygene's demos are also worth a mention, so are all these amazing logos by Kenet - http://kenet.planet-d.net/gfxs.htm - one of my favourite logo artists of recent times.
I guess there are just too many great logos to choose a favourite.
apart from the above Madwizards cat and the FLT moonshine logo, i always like RZR logos like this one :

and i'm a huge fan of Fame :

and i'm a huge fan of Fame :

Ooo... I forgot about the Mad Wizards logo. It's fairly decent, I must say!
The Matilde cult logo in melon and rednex demos was the best!