R.I.P. Karlheinz Stockhausen
category: general [glöplog]
Sweet Jesus, you are stupid.
ban stockhausen
"I'm entitled to my opinions" is a kid's cry. opinions are your personality disguised as knowledge. nobody gives a rat's ass if you have an opinion or not, as you'll most likely have one (or thousands) anyway. it has nothing to do with being "entitled" to something.
As a wise man once said: "Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and nobody cares about them, except faggots"
Some of you guys need to grow up and realise not everyone shares your opinion. You might not like what someone says, but there's no need to be a baby about it.
Well, take your own advice and SHUT THE FUCK UP THEN!
Is it your time of the month or something?
Some of you guys need to chill out, smoke some pot and stop getting yourselves all worked up.
Some of you guys need to chill out, smoke some pot and stop getting yourselves all worked up.
"not ridiculing the guy or disrespecting his death"
nah, just dissing the work the man devoted most of his entire life, heart and soul into. without you having any sort of degree, knowledge or enthusiam towards his area of work... in a public discussion thread devoted to him...
right after the man has passed away...
nah, just dissing the work the man devoted most of his entire life, heart and soul into. without you having any sort of degree, knowledge or enthusiam towards his area of work... in a public discussion thread devoted to him...
right after the man has passed away...
grow up
time of the month
My opinion is that you're talking shit about something you don't have a clue about. And hey, I'm entitled to that!
ps. actually I am a musician. I play the guitar, piano and a lot of synthesiser stuff. Like a LOT of musicians, I work hard and I'm looking for my break.
And for the record, I do think the man is a genius. Just not in the area of music.
And for the record, I do think the man is a genius. Just not in the area of music.
Post your music!
buttler: my condolences to you then. from your opinions you obviously lack some important neurotic connections that would enable you to become alot better in your craft of choice. it's a shame.
I can guess the reaction I'm going to get, and it's going to be based on my comments, not my music. But just to show I do have some knowledge of what I'm talking about.
I can't take full credit. I wrote both tracks with some help and played them as a collaborative effort.
I can't take full credit. I wrote both tracks with some help and played them as a collaborative effort.
Your music is bland and forgettable, but it's in tune!
from your opinions im not even interested in listening to your music quite honestly, so i wont.
its kinda sad, that the trolls now unbury deads.
wtf has stockhausen/pimpc to do with demos ?
cant we just ban okkie and xernobyl and move along?
wtf has stockhausen/pimpc to do with demos ?
cant we just ban okkie and xernobyl and move along?
See guys, the fundamental problem here is that you have different expectations. People like Buttler are expecting "normal" music from Stockhausen. The problem is that artists like him are so innovative and creative that they have changed music into something wholly new.
It's like if I said: "I redefine making demos. My new demo is throwing old apples at a wall." Then I'd write some theoretical texts about it, and you'd all hail me as a revolutionizer.
It's like if I said: "I redefine making demos. My new demo is throwing old apples at a wall." Then I'd write some theoretical texts about it, and you'd all hail me as a revolutionizer.
Okkie: Not only that, but I use "bland and forgettable" instruments like the guitar and piano, conventional chords and I took inspiration from all those boring old classical masters.
If only I had the balls to play a tin can or childrens rattle and invent my own chords. I was planning to shout random words at random intervals but I'm really not that brave and adventurous.
ps: How foolish do your previous comments look right now?
If only I had the balls to play a tin can or childrens rattle and invent my own chords. I was planning to shout random words at random intervals but I'm really not that brave and adventurous.
ps: How foolish do your previous comments look right now?
not as foolish as your blunt idiocy
if you'd been any remotely interested in researching the man prior to speaking your nonsense you would have easily discovered that stockhausen actually directed mozart pieces for years and believed those "boring old classical masters" were dancing in a circle with their students, he was simply more interested in adding something new to the music culture rather then repeating the same old thing time and time again. if people like stockhausen didnt compose beyond the same old thing you would still be playing with pianos instead of synths. just do everyone a favor and stfu already.
I'm at least judging the man's work on what I've heard, not what I expect it to sound like based on his comments.
nah man, difference - this is also what buttler isn't getting:
stockhausen didn't turn up two months ago and declare himself a hero. he built on the experiments and new directions of composers like Messaien and spent decades contributing in many various musical fields. his standing in the world has not been established by pushing dollars at the public as is the case with britney spears, buttler. this is why buttler hasn't heard of stockhausen - you need more than a superficial overview of what's going on in music to know these things. sometimes people take stuff for granted. where did electronic music come from? oh, easy, kraftwerk innit... only they forget the fact that kraftwerk were just the offshoot of a wider krautrock phenomenon, which itself based its electronic elements entirely on western classical art music. i am saying that classical musicians are directly responsible for the existence of electronic music (e.g. messaien's orchestral use of the Ondes Martineau, an early monophonic synthesiser). stockhausen was there doing all that shit.
saying that stockhausen is shit because you play the guitar is like me saying that whoever built the first internal combustion engine is clearly an idiot because i ride a modern motorcycle. all you're doing is being ignorant. in a situation where others would say "oh jeez haha i didn't realise how important this guy is!" you hang on to your little lighthouse of ignorance and pretend that its all that exists. ignorance is *not* an opinion.
stockhausen didn't turn up two months ago and declare himself a hero. he built on the experiments and new directions of composers like Messaien and spent decades contributing in many various musical fields. his standing in the world has not been established by pushing dollars at the public as is the case with britney spears, buttler. this is why buttler hasn't heard of stockhausen - you need more than a superficial overview of what's going on in music to know these things. sometimes people take stuff for granted. where did electronic music come from? oh, easy, kraftwerk innit... only they forget the fact that kraftwerk were just the offshoot of a wider krautrock phenomenon, which itself based its electronic elements entirely on western classical art music. i am saying that classical musicians are directly responsible for the existence of electronic music (e.g. messaien's orchestral use of the Ondes Martineau, an early monophonic synthesiser). stockhausen was there doing all that shit.
saying that stockhausen is shit because you play the guitar is like me saying that whoever built the first internal combustion engine is clearly an idiot because i ride a modern motorcycle. all you're doing is being ignorant. in a situation where others would say "oh jeez haha i didn't realise how important this guy is!" you hang on to your little lighthouse of ignorance and pretend that its all that exists. ignorance is *not* an opinion.
forestcre: Thank you for an intelligent and mature contribution to this debate. I disagree, but I respect you for it.
In fairness, he does deserve a lot of credit for inventing synthesizers. I didn't know that to begin with. I just judged him on his music and I honestly thought he was some kind of parody act or comedy character. People here think I was being disrespectful, but that's really what I thought.
The only argument I've heard in favour of his music is that he's "different" or "unconventional". The kid who claims 2+3=2 is different and is breaking convention, but it just means he sucks at maths. In the same way, music has conventions and if you can't work within those conventions, it means you suck at music. At least that's my opinion.
In fairness, he does deserve a lot of credit for inventing synthesizers. I didn't know that to begin with. I just judged him on his music and I honestly thought he was some kind of parody act or comedy character. People here think I was being disrespectful, but that's really what I thought.
The only argument I've heard in favour of his music is that he's "different" or "unconventional". The kid who claims 2+3=2 is different and is breaking convention, but it just means he sucks at maths. In the same way, music has conventions and if you can't work within those conventions, it means you suck at music. At least that's my opinion.
The kid who claims 2+3=2 is different and is breaking convention, but it just means he sucks at maths. In the same way, music has conventions and if you can't work within those conventions, it means you suck at music. At least that's my opinion.
This is probably the most retarded statement I've ever read about music. You can not be serious and are just trolling the fuck out of us.
Stop doing that!
buttler: in my opinion (and 7 other musicians who replied to this thread) your opinion about music is retarded. but dont feel bad, i think nutman agrees with you. can you fuck off now?