I hate ascii art!
category: general [glöplog]
I don't mean this to sound like I am slagging off people who do ascii cos its hard to do and it takes some talent. But I think ascii art is more trouble that its worth.
1. You can hardly ever read what the logos say.
2. When you want to read an info file you have to scroll through loads of ascii art and symbols just to find two lines of intructions or something.
3. When you fill voteforms the whole ascii form screws up as soon as you start to type and its a right pain in the ass.
4. If you look at it on a less that fullscreen window it's messed up anyway.
5. It doesn't even look pretty. At least with gfx logos or design it's a bit of eye candy and makes things look better but ascii doesnt do that.
6. on a bbs it just makes it a nightmare trying to browse files for something intersting.
Therew's probably more reasons but I cant help it I hate ascii art.
1. You can hardly ever read what the logos say.
2. When you want to read an info file you have to scroll through loads of ascii art and symbols just to find two lines of intructions or something.
3. When you fill voteforms the whole ascii form screws up as soon as you start to type and its a right pain in the ass.
4. If you look at it on a less that fullscreen window it's messed up anyway.
5. It doesn't even look pretty. At least with gfx logos or design it's a bit of eye candy and makes things look better but ascii doesnt do that.
6. on a bbs it just makes it a nightmare trying to browse files for something intersting.
Therew's probably more reasons but I cant help it I hate ascii art.
Ascii art does suck. But i still like it. Especially big fullscreen logos done in colour.
Usually i don't like ASCII Art, however there are some very good artists out there who does very good things.
But i really love ANSI art :-)
But i really love ANSI art :-)
I like big pixels!
i love ascii art.. (although i have to admit the last 4 or 5 years has seen a major decrease in good artists out there..)
i love ascii art (although i have to admit there has been a major decrease in good trolls in pouet recently)
...but you DO, you DO sound like one, Ultimate "your posts give me" gas...
Ascii demos rock. Ansi ones are alright too. But pre-rendered animations converted to asni surely do suck big time.
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wheeeee... nl2br() within [code] sections....
I sound like one what MOT?
I remember a cool ascii demo on amiga and I really loved that. I cant remember who made it now but it had some cool effects in it.
I don't mind ascii art as it stands alone but it just annoys me when it takes over a text file or something.
I remember a cool ascii demo on amiga and I really loved that. I cant remember who made it now but it had some cool effects in it.
I don't mind ascii art as it stands alone but it just annoys me when it takes over a text file or something.
isnt ultimate gas one of shanethewolf`s other accounts?
Actually no. I've been on here a lot longer than shane but I kept changing nicks. Here's shane and me. -I'm the handsome one.

separated at birth with a certain ex-pulse coder? :)
ASCII demos are the next new trend!
that'd be a trend i'd gladly skip without flinching
true... demos with good ansi fx (like there were some in the late-90s) is one thing, textmode demos of today an other.
Yep, yep, yep,.. I never watched that much at ASCII pics, but enjoyed some demos, especially BB
who is this expulse coder? He must be really handsome!!
ASCII is the new metaballs
Hahaha, I won't comment that discussion. It's just too weird... ;D
Ultimate Gas surprisingly has some good points there :)
Especially 1,3,5 applies for me too..
Especially 1,3,5 applies for me too..

Hey Shane, he's right. You could go to any party and pretend to be Unreal!
feeding the pouet product search-box with "ascii" would have revealed that the aforementioned ascii demo on amiga is called "in a world of ascii"
hope this helped a bit
hope this helped a bit