Crysis dx10 on windows xp?!
category: general [glöplog]
are you pissed?
no, you still don't get shit. by editing the config file, you don't get dx10 on windows xp. it just shows that the dx10 version of crysis doesn't actually use any dx10-specific features.

Ryg : the "d3d10effects" marketing thing is quite amusing indeed.
What's even more amusing is clueless people, mostly on gamers forums, repeating that buzzword and arguing shit about it. "lol your pc can't do d3d10 effects n00b!" "lol no, I can run d3d10 effects on XP because I hax0red the api/game" etc... :)
What's even more amusing is clueless people, mostly on gamers forums, repeating that buzzword and arguing shit about it. "lol your pc can't do d3d10 effects n00b!" "lol no, I can run d3d10 effects on XP because I hax0red the api/game" etc... :)
Crysis has two renderpaths, one for DX9 and one for DX10, it doesn't need at all DX10 specific features to run. They were scared about releasing a DX10 only product because ppl actually still doesn't like vista at all.
Btw DX10 is FASTER than DX9 (for very complex apps) because it cuts some bottlenecks, specially the ones about CPU-GPU communication by sending full stateblocks and then referencing them by ids, removing some strain from the AGP/PCIe bus. The speedup has really more to do with the things the api FORCES you to do.
A lot of <DX10 specific> features have been available in DX9 but not necessary present on every piece of hardware that supports dx9 via a complex "capability list" that forced ppl to write even more complex renderig code to handle every single capability.
Other features are completly new like the GSs or taking the GS output and reusing it as a VS input without leaving the GPU.
If those gammers are exicited because they haxored the game let they be happy @ 7fps, probably they just duplicated the FSAA with the .cfg file and nothing more...
Btw DX10 is FASTER than DX9 (for very complex apps) because it cuts some bottlenecks, specially the ones about CPU-GPU communication by sending full stateblocks and then referencing them by ids, removing some strain from the AGP/PCIe bus. The speedup has really more to do with the things the api FORCES you to do.
A lot of <DX10 specific> features have been available in DX9 but not necessary present on every piece of hardware that supports dx9 via a complex "capability list" that forced ppl to write even more complex renderig code to handle every single capability.
Other features are completly new like the GSs or taking the GS output and reusing it as a VS input without leaving the GPU.
If those gammers are exicited because they haxored the game let they be happy @ 7fps, probably they just duplicated the FSAA with the .cfg file and nothing more...
ryg,isaac2 thanxs 4 the clarify guyz !!
I must assume you consider totally normal, the Vista exclusivity for DirectX10.
isaac2 : yes, no "emu-HAL", no cap. bits = or it's fully hard-supported or does not work, and throw your card to the trash-bin.
imrprovements (stateblocks).
DX10 not that bad,..but not a giant step deserving a new-brand OS.
xeNusion I'm NOT pissed, just kidding with a pretty handful spanish expression, means something like "one saying things off-topic".
I must assume you consider totally normal, the Vista exclusivity for DirectX10.
isaac2 : yes, no "emu-HAL", no cap. bits = or it's fully hard-supported or does not work, and throw your card to the trash-bin.
imrprovements (stateblocks).
DX10 not that bad,..but not a giant step deserving a new-brand OS.
xeNusion I'm NOT pissed, just kidding with a pretty handful spanish expression, means something like "one saying things off-topic".
360 port please ?
xeNusion: kudos for a certain special level (no spoiler), such a demo'ish trip, best game level ever :D
crysis looks like shit
(not technically, but artistically)
an dx10 must rock
no more capbits, thats like heaven!
(not technically, but artistically)
an dx10 must rock
no more capbits, thats like heaven!
Niels: troll as you want but Crysis definitely rocks in the art department :p
gameplay is also fun (not a bad point for a game ;) as it's super smooth and quite various : win tactics are numerous thanks to the powers of the nanosuit (you almost feel like cheating with the invisible power!) and some maps being more than a corridor with several objectives.
its real major flaw is actually storytelling like FarCry, it's often as bad and brainless as a Michael Bay blockbuster (so bad it's good with some geek humor ?), sometimes i even felt that technical and artistic excellence has been wasted in the name of US market 'standards' :/
gameplay is also fun (not a bad point for a game ;) as it's super smooth and quite various : win tactics are numerous thanks to the powers of the nanosuit (you almost feel like cheating with the invisible power!) and some maps being more than a corridor with several objectives.
its real major flaw is actually storytelling like FarCry, it's often as bad and brainless as a Michael Bay blockbuster (so bad it's good with some geek humor ?), sometimes i even felt that technical and artistic excellence has been wasted in the name of US market 'standards' :/
I tried it with the "low" settings, and it still runs unbearably slowly. Plus it looks butt ugly when doing so. Why oh why they allowed user to f.ex. turn off shadows, when the graphics are apparently designed to be watched with shadows enabled...
the design team has really made wonders with some nature spots, so magic and immersive!
Rainmaker: in high quality, the assets are very good when seen from far away but they are however significantly less good when being nearby. The maps and assets have definitely been made to look best when seen in the distance.
They use some kind of fake textures on the mountains to have them look very nice 2km away but as soon as you see the rock in front of you, it's quite ugly. Good trick for panoramic views though ;)
Same for the mountain bushes, excellent in panoramic view, not very good in close range.
Their palmtrees are very nice too but I don't like the constant fake shacking of the vegetation in general.
They use some kind of fake textures on the mountains to have them look very nice 2km away but as soon as you see the rock in front of you, it's quite ugly. Good trick for panoramic views though ;)
Same for the mountain bushes, excellent in panoramic view, not very good in close range.
Their palmtrees are very nice too but I don't like the constant fake shacking of the vegetation in general.
stop ranting keops we both know that you ubi suckers are now playing our game and sniff around what you can rip to get to our quality level :)
Learn to read already, I'm not ranting, I'm saying that the assets are very good when seen from far away. The drawback is that they don't look so good at close range (especially the rock on the mountain that has awful multicolored textures that were one of the particular tricks to have the mountain look so good in panoramic view).
So, because of all the longdistance stuff, it would make a brilliant engine for a flight-sim? :P
Graga: somehow, yes :)
Xenusion : my message was maybe not clear enough, the artwork is very good, no doubt about that.
you are not able to go to the damn mountain and climb it.
so where is your problem?
i guess we dont want to make a philosophic disput about lod aspects at games.
every game is doing it like this... or they use a crappy low res skybox for the
background like cod.
so where is your problem?
i guess we dont want to make a philosophic disput about lod aspects at games.
every game is doing it like this... or they use a crappy low res skybox for the
background like cod.
I will show with a screenshot, I probably got lucky (or not) to reach those spots of multicolored rock texture ;)
I kinda agree with keops. It looks stunning at a distance, but crap up close (actually, to be fair, it looks crap compared to how it looks at a distance. It actually looks good I'd say).
I also somehow think it's a case of right engine, wrong game... if there was something along the lines of a flight sim but perhaps with lots of low-level flying (or maybe something like that racing-flying-bikes-through-forest scene in star wars) it would really rule.
I also somehow think it's a case of right engine, wrong game... if there was something along the lines of a flight sim but perhaps with lots of low-level flying (or maybe something like that racing-flying-bikes-through-forest scene in star wars) it would really rule.
Fly simulators don't sell.
Pod Racing was quite fun though :)
keops ?
you want to show me a ugly texture?
fine so what?
sorry but it just sounds like you want to find something to bitch.
you want to show me a ugly texture?
fine so what?
sorry but it just sounds like you want to find something to bitch.