parse43's naughty secret
category: general [glöplog]
So... parse43 sent me this fins shop today. It was so fucking lulzworthy I decided to poast it here. It's even so funny that I'm still laughing after 5 minutes. In fact, I'm laughing so much that I lost my boner that I got while watching HARDCORE GAY CHILD PORN!!!!111oneoneone

This bunny approves of parse43 shopping skillz.

This bunny approves of parse43 shopping skillz.

Btw, parse43, I don't know if you noticed, but that's not a dildo, but a pipe, that people smoke weed in. And no, I won't stop fucking with you.
so... are you vegetarian?!
so... are you vegetarian?!
While we're at it. Here's another shop of me.

What a haircut man, it looks like a penis. And the way he look "OH no im allergic for womans".
Welcome to Where trolls are even pissing off other trolls.
masterm :)
FUCKING HELL! Call me a loser if you want, but I'm not even in the same league as these morons!
Yes you are.
Parse43, you're quoted in my "Non-memorable quotes" link me beautiful

Oh look its a retard! No its the Pedo Clown! WARNING: FOR -12 ONLY!
What happened now? Your first shop was actually sort of realistic, this one is just crap. Go work on the quality. (And post the rest of the pics, I want to see them!)
The nose, yep the nose. Its just the nose ... I know it hurted you that is why you opened this topic to give me a tought like "it doesnt bother him".
No it's just not the nose. That glow in my face is completely inconsistent with the light in the room. The black and red on my eye brows and lips doesn't look very professional either.
And no, I'm not posting your pics here because I want to pretend it doesn't bother me. I do it because I'm genuinely amused and eagerly waiting for your every next move. Welcome to teh web!
And no, I'm not posting your pics here because I want to pretend it doesn't bother me. I do it because I'm genuinely amused and eagerly waiting for your every next move. Welcome to teh web!
So you dont mind if I make a funny flash movie?
Seriously, on the first pic, what happend to your hair?
I decided to have that haircut for a few months.
"funny flash movie"
so it will be funny because it's flash! now that's teh interwebs
so it will be funny because it's flash! now that's teh interwebs
omigot yo a so rite!
shane :D
Im making also a track for you! I hope I can finish it this week.
All the other trolls are seriously going to have to work on their game. Standards are slipping across the board! The ante is upped!
I've finally seen myself through the eyes of others. Damn, have I been annoying or what?!
Oh well...
Oh well...