Any scene art critics want to trash this guy?
category: general [glöplog]
I know I know, copying takes no talent blah blah, but this is one of the most amazing feats I've ever witnessed! There is something to be said about human evolution and potential here.
obviously, the drawing skills are not the issue, it's the memory
Poor guy, after that his hand is to tired for evening masturbation :/
drawing "skill" is an issue here imho. he does not prepare the picture in any way, no sketched composition no vanishing points, nothing. other people trying that would fail miserably even if they had the same memories that he has.
I agree with CP. I can't even draw this well with an image in front of me.
Autistic; obsessive over fine detail; generates images of cities with loads of buildings... Obviously a scener!
No creativity. I can imagine Shane would like it.
amazing video of a quite amazing ability. Thanks shane.
Preacher - when you eat an orange, do you complain that it doesn't taste of apple? Nobody suggested that this guy is attempting any sort of creative practice whatsoever, so I don't see how that's relevant.
I have too say that some parts other than the big buildings look very generic.
Rome is nice and all, but I guess the ultimate test would be to take the guy to a nude beach.
Sure, but how about the amount of columms, etc? Takes quite a memory to remember that.
His motor skills seem fine, and given that it's not a hoax his memory is obviously exceptional, but drawing skill is more than that.
Also, that video is ooold.
Also, that video is ooold.
syphus: My point was something along the lines that "human evolution and potential" doesn't in my opinion apply here. Unless you consider human photocopiers evolution.
very good! now show him some boris vallejo pictures and teach him photoshop! he could join fearmoths
i once saw film about one autistic guy who draw whole city view. they just took him to helicopter ride and after he just went and made it...
Didn't Derren Brown pull something like this aswell?
syphus: My point was something along the lines that "human evolution and potential" doesn't in my opinion apply here. Unless you consider human photocopiers evolution.
Absolutely! The average memory is flawed. Imagine how useful it would be never to forget anything you see and what advantages this would give you.
He copied a single city here, but if he's looking for something unique I assume he could copy buildings from anywhere in the world and place them into his own fictional city. ALL art is based on shapes and colours the artist has already seen so I think he has a massive advantage.
Unseen: I would love him as a member of Fearmoths!! The problem is, I would just keep testing him until he burned out.
I think he doesnt even have the draw skills at all. It would make sense if he had them and the painting skills where shit, I guess not.
Shane: You assume too much. If he's really autistic he may not even realize what he's drawing.
He didn't look very autistic to me.
He was in a documentary about idiot savants that I saw a few years back.
There was also a blind guy who was to dumb to tell if something was full or empty, yet he could play and improvise brilliantly on a piano.
There was also a blind guy who was to dumb to tell if something was full or empty, yet he could play and improvise brilliantly on a piano.
I remember an House episode with a guy with that disease :P
I have a nice book about the brain called "Dragons of Eden". By a very nice man.