Random Photoshopped scener thread
category: residue [glöplog]

This is what Alien^PDX did to me:

Talk about photoshop...

Talk about photoshop...
no copy :)
paniq (by wayfinder):

well, in this case opengl is much cooler :P
Strange analogy, since Keith Richards being alive after such abuse is nothing short of a fucking miracle.
Sure, if DirectX is Keith Richard = alors = directX sniff Bill G ashes...


shash's night out, BCN Party 110.
You'd better understand it with the sources:
Hahaha - it doesn't get better than that, Keops :-B
wtf the cube ATTACKS HIM!!!!! OGM
just noticed that this one was not in the thread...


er... hello keops?
Love this thread!
Polish demoscener AceMan is looking for PLASTIC POKEMONS on breeze party 2007.

And becames POKEMASTA!!!

lol :P

And becames POKEMASTA!!!

lol :P
sorry it was RIVERWASH'07 not BREEZE :)
o rany. dobrze ze mnie tam nie bylo :P
I just found this on my hdd.
I have no idea who did that but look at names..
Damn elite when I was kid.

I have no idea who did that but look at names..
Damn elite when I was kid.

I'm the guy on the far left being obscured by Zeb. Those were all my mates, but we fell out because they reckoned I was too streetwise for them.

Deekay :(
Dissent, I choose you! :D

That's pretty cool, Jcl, but I think that there is still some way to go. The burn on his chin looks very 2d. Looks like it's from Sparta or something :)