
I bought a tiny and cute little water color kit!

category: general [glöplog]
basically: colors are often look dull if you dont mix them together first. keep painting ...
added on the 2007-10-26 22:18:48 by uns3en_ uns3en_
That's a nice hobby.
added on the 2007-10-26 22:58:35 by Optimus Optimus
This on the other hand is a nice hobbes.
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added on the 2007-10-26 23:11:12 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
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added on the 2007-10-27 00:58:42 by xernobyl xernobyl
Meet the master of the wet-on-wet technique Bob Ross. Or well, sort of... ;)
added on the 2007-10-27 14:50:42 by raer raer
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added on the 2007-10-27 14:55:21 by scoutski scoutski

"Oh, its a nice pussy, but it's so looonely. It needs a little friend. Come on, we'll pain a sweet cute dick right beside it. How would that be?! Take your regular two.inch brush and softly, very softly..." ;)
added on the 2007-10-27 15:41:04 by raer raer
"sometimes it's good to make noises when you make the strokes.. let's put the trunk right there... *ffffffffffffffffffffst* there.. isn't that nice?"
added on the 2007-10-27 15:51:57 by el mal el mal
added on the 2007-10-27 16:25:19 by raer raer
My second prod for this demoplatform:

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Sonic Underground... I'm not even going to search for the lyrics. Named after the cartoon, featuring Sonic, the overrated hedgehog. Even if hedgehogs look cute on youtube.

My second try at painting a watercolour. It sucked so much I had to add design arrows to it. Design arrows never fail! NEVER NEVER NEVER!

Someone said if you repeat a word too much it starts sounding funny. I think it's sounding annoying, so I won't repeat it any more. As I was writing before saying the forbidden word I added flawless design arrows and then I scanned it, enchanted the colours a little bit for EPIC WIN!

It even has texture! Just amazing!
added on the 2008-01-22 14:00:16 by xernobyl xernobyl
And here comes the second post again :(

I called it sonic underground.
Named after:

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added on the 2008-01-22 14:01:33 by xernobyl xernobyl
