Who was played Starcraft?
category: general [glöplog]
My favourite game is starcraft,but I know that a few people played it except China and Korea .I want to know do you like it.If you like it please connect with me.My email-loy20002000@gmail.com.
I hope I will be able to compete with you!!!
I hope I will be able to compete with you!!!
lol my mail is assnihilat0r2007@gmail.com contact me soon, I will PwN j00 f4gg0t !!!!
keops, I always knew that it was you !!!
I was not played Starcraft.
adam, your english is so _not_ understandable that i now have a headache.
I was played Starcraft.
I was played Starcraft.
Starcraft are not me.
remember... 'MUSICS' is not a word IT DOESN'T EXIST!!!1!!ölf
i was played in starcraft for a long time as a merchant, but then i finally got that level up and could finally emerge to another world in the sims. i didn't get played there but was a pretty successful NPC, until some player locked me up between walls and some cheat. :(
red-, I always knew that it was you !!!
Starcraft is for jazz musicians.
wtf, yet another zerg rush attack at pouet base!
I was played bloodwar.do you want be friend of me?if ok connect me!
Starcraft is Jarig!!!
Starcraft != BASS
Haven't seen it for a while:
Just 5 seconds too late :(
Rob Is Crying !
I was played in Doom and the doomguy made "Ugh Ugh Ugh" before Ubuntu was finally installed and doomguy is jarig because thalidomedes never was played Starcrack.
Other than that, I like to play backgammon in my mobile.
Other than that, I like to play backgammon in my mobile.
I used to think backgammon was good, then I started playing go!
I was played in Doom also. I was once & then played demoparty in compo :) Doom!. And I was played in 2rd round1!! I will very proud it and tell mine childrens when I was be laid ever! My e@mail (for childrens, strictly) is childrens-in5years200703@gamil.com, btw.

Smoking is bad. Except in starcraft.
depends where is hosted the game :)
Wow, this thread is worse that smoking starcrack.