Garfield vs. scene
category: residue [glöplog]
xernobyl :)))
hahahaha, owned
Haha :D

I need more Garfield vs. Scene.
Maali: You are hereby judged to recreate your lost garfield comic strips
Maali: You are hereby judged to recreate your lost garfield comic strips

ahahahahaha, Gajin - great :)
thx man :)

Found on icanhascheezburger. Go get modding!
someone already took this one... sorrykthxbay

Damn. That should have read "precalc"...
you guys suck

haha...garfield was even there before there was any internet...rofl.! dumb chick.!
Haha. Yeah, that's so dumb you'd think she was kidding! is a satire-site.
Look up "The Onion" in Wikipedia, dumb chick/guy/whatever ;)haha...garfield was even there before there was any internet...rofl.! dumb chick.!

gasman :D
Well, at least theyre hitting GBS bottom here too.