Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]

Is that Opera? Which skin is it?
breeze simplified micro v4.15

Demo'ish objects is that way ->

sorry, but Portal is about to pop up :>

I had great holidays!

I wonder who owned who because the purpose of some protests is to cost the community as much money as possible, and this guy seems to be very good at that :-)
dont want to be an ass but thats definitly an ugly girl and not a guy.
"OWNED" would be the wrong phrase in my book
"I DO NOT WANT" seems to suit better according to the face expression :)
"I DO NOT WANT" seems to suit better according to the face expression :)
bah ! 'guy' can be used either for boy or girl nowadays :)

dubmood: yeah, that's what I thought too, but the image is named "funny_owned_boy.jpg", so I wasn't really sure what to write :-)

i'd string her cello

Alienus what is this ???