Interesting movie on 9/11
category: general [glöplog]
You are racist since you judge all truthers as one group with the same beliefs.
oh, so "truthers" are their own race now.
'bout time.
spread false information and shit and cause more hatred against jews and america goverment.
The truthers are desperate to find some grand conspiracy, because they want the people in power to be evil murderous conspirators, wholly in the pockets of big corporations. The truth is, though, that all governments everywhere want more power all the time, because the more power they have, the better they'll be able to do their job, which is to govern. The truthers are afraid to face that fact because it means there are no easy answers, and no permanent solutions.
They're spreading a quick-fix philosophy, the false hope that we can solve the most fundamental problems of government by getting rid of a few bad people.
It's true that the current US government seem to be exceptionally power-hungry, and they need way more aggressive opposition than they've been getting so far, but they should be criticized for what they're actually and unquestionably doing, not for what you want them to have done.
I've always said right from the start that those attacks were way too perfect.
This is the exact same argument that creationists use, you know. In fact truthers mostly base their ideas on the exact same mistakes as creationists. It's a great big steaming pile of this.
Ok guys, seems nobody here knows about the infinite wisdom of Maddox. Well ha has spoken.
And so did Trey Parker and Matt Stone
And so did Trey Parker and Matt Stone
The truth is, though, that all governments everywhere want more power all the time, because the more power they have, the better they'll be able to do their job, which is to govern
what the hell, is it full moon?! Power and influence attracts psycopaths, which means that logic alone would tell you that they are over represented in any government simply because the very nature of a government.
take a look there and see if you dont instantly recognise atleast 2/3 of the members the government.
They're spreading a quick-fix philosophy, the false hope that we can solve the most fundamental problems of government by getting rid of a few bad people.
i agree with this, changing the psycopath driver is not going to do a damn thing because there is more than plenty to take from. We need a whole new engine that makes it harder for his kind to abuse the power they have stol...been given.
This is the exact same argument that creationists use, you know. In fact truthers mostly base their ideas on the exact same mistakes as creationists.
this is a blatantly dishonest argument. There are no doubt that the rightwing christian community (the AJ crowd)are guilty of such a thing, because they DO belive in creationism. But they are not a majority. By slight of hand you have just assoicated serious critical investigators with fringe nuts, and at the same time shows a complete disregard for people who want to be able to ask questions without being rideculed...or tazered.
Its the same old mantra. who do you belive, you're lying eyes, or me.
influence device you need a healthy dose of this
more and more i see the same things become true where i live. You cant blame people for buying into even crazed conspiracy theory when the whole western world seem to align into unison stupid, and i reccomend that you stay off the flouridated water for a while.
more and more i see the same things become true where i live. You cant blame people for buying into even crazed conspiracy theory when the whole western world seem to align into unison stupid, and i reccomend that you stay off the flouridated water for a while.
Ok, lets look into the specifics here:
1) The world trade centre was bombed in 1993 by the same group.
2) The way that the building collapsed was entirely normal. What did you expect it to do? a multi-million tonne skyscraper of that size just "falls over"? That would require a sideways moment of force.
3) The FBI had prior warning of an attack, obtained through email interception.
4) The perpetrators were known, and are now dead (something to do with them being in the planes..)
5) If the planes were substituted with planes containing explosives, then who flew them? Remote control? Yeah right. In order to get someone who's prepared to die for the sake of invading Afghanistan, you would have to find someone who believes in martyredom in the name of allowing American forces to invade Afghanistan. That culture doesn't exist in western religions. Perhaps a pre-war Japanese bhuddist? yeah right.
6) What happened to the real planes, and their inhabitants? Particularly flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania, in front of about 16 witnesses, where people were using their mobile phones ON THE PLANES to discuss the incident in great detail. It was later brought down after being turned upside down by the hijackers after losing control of the cockpit. The entire conversation in the cockpit was being recorded because the pilot switched on the radio as he was being attacked.
7) What about the story of Zacarias Moussaoui? He was involved in the attacks and substituted at the last minute. He was arrested on August 16th, 2001. In April 2005, he pleaded guilty to his involvement in the attacks.
8) oh fuck it. grow up. THE GOVERMENTZ ARE PLOTTING AGAINST UZZ!!!111five
1) The world trade centre was bombed in 1993 by the same group.
2) The way that the building collapsed was entirely normal. What did you expect it to do? a multi-million tonne skyscraper of that size just "falls over"? That would require a sideways moment of force.
3) The FBI had prior warning of an attack, obtained through email interception.
4) The perpetrators were known, and are now dead (something to do with them being in the planes..)
5) If the planes were substituted with planes containing explosives, then who flew them? Remote control? Yeah right. In order to get someone who's prepared to die for the sake of invading Afghanistan, you would have to find someone who believes in martyredom in the name of allowing American forces to invade Afghanistan. That culture doesn't exist in western religions. Perhaps a pre-war Japanese bhuddist? yeah right.
6) What happened to the real planes, and their inhabitants? Particularly flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania, in front of about 16 witnesses, where people were using their mobile phones ON THE PLANES to discuss the incident in great detail. It was later brought down after being turned upside down by the hijackers after losing control of the cockpit. The entire conversation in the cockpit was being recorded because the pilot switched on the radio as he was being attacked.
7) What about the story of Zacarias Moussaoui? He was involved in the attacks and substituted at the last minute. He was arrested on August 16th, 2001. In April 2005, he pleaded guilty to his involvement in the attacks.
8) oh fuck it. grow up. THE GOVERMENTZ ARE PLOTTING AGAINST UZZ!!!111five
You only got #8 right. No time to discuss it now. Watch some Alex Jones movies, or read some David Ray Griffin books, and turn off Faux News on the TV.
Alex Jones is nothing more than political comfort food for the deluded.
Actually, the saddest thing is that they could have predicted it.
Massoud travelled the world in hope to meet the right "ears" as he had several informations about Bin Laden and his organisation.
What happened? No one cared in USA, he didn't get any interviews!
Right after, he travelled to france and got several interviews in which he said about something was going to happen.
Somehow, you can blame Bush governement for not having taking care about it seriously... or.... for avoiding Massoud to be sure to declare a war right after...
Massoud travelled the world in hope to meet the right "ears" as he had several informations about Bin Laden and his organisation.
What happened? No one cared in USA, he didn't get any interviews!
Right after, he travelled to france and got several interviews in which he said about something was going to happen.
Somehow, you can blame Bush governement for not having taking care about it seriously... or.... for avoiding Massoud to be sure to declare a war right after...
Next, they'll be denying the holocaust :-(
"but the prussian blue argument is so plausible!!!! Anne Frank's diary has been written in two people's handwriting!!!111one". It takes about 30 seconds of using google to answer that bollocks.
The US government are corrupt, yes. I hate the republicans. They're not psychopaths though, just stoopid, arrogant, and easily persuaded by fat cheques.
"but the prussian blue argument is so plausible!!!! Anne Frank's diary has been written in two people's handwriting!!!111one". It takes about 30 seconds of using google to answer that bollocks.
The US government are corrupt, yes. I hate the republicans. They're not psychopaths though, just stoopid, arrogant, and easily persuaded by fat cheques.
I think is a hoax.
It's probably bush trying to keep us busy posting random pics, instead of thinking about what really happened at 9/11!
It's probably bush trying to keep us busy posting random pics, instead of thinking about what really happened at 9/11!
Actually Alex Jones predicted itActually, the saddest thing is that they could have predicted it.
And this band:
Coincidences can by found everywhere, does not make them predictions.
Coincidences can by found everywhere, does not make them predictions.
I'm going to make a prediction:
In the next few years, there will be a terrorist attack in Europe, most likely Britain, France, Denmark, or Germany. I'm pretty sure of it.
Although, unlike Alex Jones, I won't be gloating like a smug cunt saying "I told you so" when it happens. twat.
In the next few years, there will be a terrorist attack in Europe, most likely Britain, France, Denmark, or Germany. I'm pretty sure of it.
Although, unlike Alex Jones, I won't be gloating like a smug cunt saying "I told you so" when it happens. twat.
Alex Jones is only trying to help people. Stop the hate.
Actually Alex Jones predicted it
So the man who has possibly made the most financial profit out of the attacks actually knew about them beforehand too? It's clear to me now; Alex Jones did WTC!
The man that definitely made the most profit out of the obviation of the WTC was this man
Mr. Larry Silverstein
(sorry unseen, yet again a jew ... but it wouldn't matter if the guy's name would be Kennedy, Ford, Morgan or Walker...the fact stayes the same)
If none of the so called "theories" are true, the whole matter would at least been a very convenient frame up for one hell of an insurance fraud!
This man -after he bought the whole complex just some months before- placed an incredible insurance on the towers in case of a terrorist attack by airplanes (worth about $6 Bn.) , including the grant that he would be the first to ask to (re)build the site in case it's been destroyed.
Quite a contract isn't it?!
And it all happened that way.
Today he's the building contractor of the "new WTC" or whatever that thing will be called.
BTW: AJ is merely just citing news reports from the worldwide media that got buried in silence or just have been yanked out of the focus because of being inconvenient, and investigating things, other media doesn't (or hasn't). At least in The Good Shepherd there is the first direct dealing with Yale's Skull & Bones Society.
Mr. Larry Silverstein
(sorry unseen, yet again a jew ... but it wouldn't matter if the guy's name would be Kennedy, Ford, Morgan or Walker...the fact stayes the same)
If none of the so called "theories" are true, the whole matter would at least been a very convenient frame up for one hell of an insurance fraud!
This man -after he bought the whole complex just some months before- placed an incredible insurance on the towers in case of a terrorist attack by airplanes (worth about $6 Bn.) , including the grant that he would be the first to ask to (re)build the site in case it's been destroyed.
Quite a contract isn't it?!
And it all happened that way.
Today he's the building contractor of the "new WTC" or whatever that thing will be called.
BTW: AJ is merely just citing news reports from the worldwide media that got buried in silence or just have been yanked out of the focus because of being inconvenient, and investigating things, other media doesn't (or hasn't). At least in The Good Shepherd there is the first direct dealing with Yale's Skull & Bones Society.
That's like saying that the London Underground refitters planned 7/7. Come on.. where's your conspiracy theory around that one? What about madrid? The US embassy in Kenya, the 1993 attacks on the WTC, the bombing of the israeli embassy in london.. For fucks sake, grow up child.
The theories didn't get buried in silence because it was inconvenient, it got yanked out of focus for being bunkum, pulled back into focus by lunatics, investigated, unsubstantiated, then buried again where they belong.
Something being convenient isn't a theory, it's barely a hypothesis. You still haven't come up with an idea about who was flying the planes if it wasn't muhammed atta and his henchmen.
The theories didn't get buried in silence because it was inconvenient, it got yanked out of focus for being bunkum, pulled back into focus by lunatics, investigated, unsubstantiated, then buried again where they belong.
Something being convenient isn't a theory, it's barely a hypothesis. You still haven't come up with an idea about who was flying the planes if it wasn't muhammed atta and his henchmen.
It's not "convenient".
The towers were insured for $3.5 billion against "any claim", not just against terrorism. The $3.5 billion is about what he paid for the towers when he bought them. It's very common to take out insurance when you invest in property. He also paid about $600 million up-front to the Port Authority for leasing the land and he's still paying about $100 million a year for that, as he will for a total of ten years.
So the insurance policy he took out didn't actually cover his losses, except that he tried to claim the attacks were two seperate incidents. And come on, facing a multi-billion-dollar loss, wouldn't you be looking for a way out? Anyway, at first the insurance companies refused to pay out, and only after six years of lawsuits has he been awarded a total of $5 billion, which covers the loss of material assets and the lease but doesn't make up for all the rent money that's not being paid with no property to rent out. The lawsuits are still going on, and he may at some point make a profit on the WTC, but for that to have been part of the conspiracy, the courts would have to be in on it too. But not the big and powerful insurance companies, mind you, who are now being forced to pay. They didn't get to be in this conspiracy. :(
Oh and about being the first to ask to rebuild the site..? I mean, jesus.. he leased the land for 99 years, and he still has 93 years to go on that contract. And he owned the WTC. They're not just going to build something else there without involving him.
The towers were insured for $3.5 billion against "any claim", not just against terrorism. The $3.5 billion is about what he paid for the towers when he bought them. It's very common to take out insurance when you invest in property. He also paid about $600 million up-front to the Port Authority for leasing the land and he's still paying about $100 million a year for that, as he will for a total of ten years.
So the insurance policy he took out didn't actually cover his losses, except that he tried to claim the attacks were two seperate incidents. And come on, facing a multi-billion-dollar loss, wouldn't you be looking for a way out? Anyway, at first the insurance companies refused to pay out, and only after six years of lawsuits has he been awarded a total of $5 billion, which covers the loss of material assets and the lease but doesn't make up for all the rent money that's not being paid with no property to rent out. The lawsuits are still going on, and he may at some point make a profit on the WTC, but for that to have been part of the conspiracy, the courts would have to be in on it too. But not the big and powerful insurance companies, mind you, who are now being forced to pay. They didn't get to be in this conspiracy. :(
Oh and about being the first to ask to rebuild the site..? I mean, jesus.. he leased the land for 99 years, and he still has 93 years to go on that contract. And he owned the WTC. They're not just going to build something else there without involving him.
what the hell, is it full moon?! Power and influence attracts psycopaths, which means that logic alone would tell you that they are over represented in any government simply because the very nature of a government.
That's also true, and a big part of the problem. Look, truisms:
- Power corrupts.
- Power attracts psychos.
- Power repels anyone who realizes that power = responsibility.
- You need money to make money.
- All people are unique, so some will be superior to others, which is unfair.
- Safety and freedom are mutually exclusive.
- Equality and individuality are mutually exclusive.
Those are general problems that can never be solved, we can only try to work around them. In addition the world has some specific problems that could be solved in theory but still seem unsurmountable, such as:
- World is critically overpopulated.
- Debt-based economy is absurd and must collapse.
- etc.
This is not GWB's fault. I'm sure he's a psycho, his policies are mad and he seems both dumb and very dangerous. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if he (ie. whoever tells him what to do) cancels the next US presidential election for reasons of "national security" or whatever, but the first rule of skepticism is to demand evidence, NOT to reject the official story. More often than not, everything is exactly what it seems. And there's plenty of stuff to criticize Bush for that's not speculative; secret prisons, torture, censorship, illegal wiretapping, his religious motivations, etc. And that's just the controversial stuff. Supposedly, he's not doing a great job of the boring old running-the-country stuff either. Have your pick, just don't make shit up.
Quote:This is the exact same argument that creationists use, you know. In fact truthers mostly base their ideas on the exact same mistakes as creationists.
this is a blatantly dishonest argument
No, it's not. It's not even an argument but an invitation to examine your own motivations. Creationists say the exact same thing: "life is too perfect to not have been designed by God, therefore evolution is a lie" is the same logic as "the WTC attacks were too perfect to not have been done by the US government, therefore the official explanation is a lie".
Watch a film like Loose Change, and observe how all the made-up/out-of-context quotes, make-believe science, lies and nonsense, and so on, is not skepticism at all but just grasping at straws to support a pre-drawn conclusion. That's what creationists do, too, and it's bad for exactly the same reasons.
It doesn't matter how important the message is. If you can only prove the point by lying, the message is void. And just like creationists, truthers have been lying a lot. But then again, maybe Loose Change was planted by the government in an attempt to discredit conspiracy theorists...
. You still haven't come up with an idea about who was flying the planes if it wasn't muhammed atta and his henchmen.
in relation this this
This is the exact same argument that creationists use, you know. In fact truthers mostly base their ideas on the exact same mistakes as creationists.
that statement is fucking funny Meteorik. THe "truthers" as they are mockingly called are by what must then be anti-truthers refered to as being in the same line as creationists. And here you are using the very tactics creationists are using. If you cant prove its not X it must be X
In what world is it important who flew the plane? I claim it is santa claus, bugs bunny and a spiderman. Without evidence it makes as much sense as the "official" conspiracy theory with mohammad atta in it. geeezz!
Another very interesting movie on 9/11 that should make you all STFU for good:
It doesn't matter how important the message is. If you can only prove the point by lying, the message is void
pooof....there went the official story, by your own standard.
other than that i did not claim Bush was behind it, rather the industrial complex who have enough motivation to do so. And bush is a paid for gopher.