
MAIN demoparty #2 / 2007 november 1 - 4 / Marseille

category: general [glöplog]
non, désolé.
y a pas de quoi... mais de rien...
nothing to scratch on the turntable ?
no datas ?
no ?
juste "non" :)
non ?
bon !
speedfisters are officially attending the main party, we are gonna take our private jet from south africa, if anyone wants a ride just contact me!

we will also release great demos!
added on the 2007-09-22 16:13:07 by demoman demoman
how many speedfisters are comming mr demoman? is f0rkcrash and musicman comming too?
i think most of us are attending, but i think graphicsman will be a bit late prolly...!
added on the 2007-09-22 16:19:10 by demoman demoman
skrebbel: tried to call you today, please get in touch!
added on the 2007-09-22 16:35:24 by earx earx
nono demoman, i'll be there.
added on the 2007-09-22 18:53:23 by iks iks
Voila the inviteintro! Thankyo FLT!
is the schedule already known? can't find it on the main web page?
added on the 2007-09-24 20:12:01 by earx earx
We prepare the schedule and the rules of compos plus somes news & infos releases...

The MAIN#2 inviteintro! Thankyo FLT!
Cybernostra va vous mettre sa Main dans la gueule :(
added on the 2007-09-25 05:32:44 by keops keops
Hey les gars c'est pas sympa ça de piquer les dates de l'Alchimie!
http://www.triplea.fr/alchimie7/ ... :P
added on the 2007-09-25 07:18:06 by mmu_man mmu_man
piquer les dates dans la palmeraie... C'est le hazard et nous nous sommes basés sur www.demoparty.net pour fixer les dates de MAIN vu que Alchimie n'était pas annoncée dans le calendrier... Bon, les plus courageux se taperont 2 party le même weekend : c'est formidable non ? :)
bought the ryanair tickets. guess you'll see havoc and me November 1st. =)
added on the 2007-09-25 09:36:17 by earx earx
c'est pas sympa that alchemie took our dates that we had announced way before alchemie 7 was even thought off + that the alchemie 6 was in octobre. Imo timbalchemie should change dates. kthnx
Euh les dates elles sont décidées depuis longtemps, juste pas annoncées. L'an prochain on préviendra...
Oué Numérica c'est bien, j'y ai parlé de Haiku l'an dernier :)
added on the 2007-09-25 12:22:26 by mmu_man mmu_man
if the dates were decided but not announced, its equal to -not decided at all-. "I dreamed about using theese dats back in 1992 but I decided not to tell anyone untill 3 weeks before the party" ye sure. Then we kindly asked timbalchemie to change dates but without success.

mmu_man: ah.... c'était toi donc. :)
I have one question,
what the date limit for the register?
Because i don't know if i can come.
In addiction i notice that the alchemie 7 is in the same time that MAIN#2 and i hesitate.
For my first party can you advise me.
I recomend that you go to MAiN#2, especially if your preferd platform is c64 atari or PC and not amiga. (since we were atleast kind enough to less that platform for timbalchemie). There will also be tons of international people at Main! And the pleasure of the Data Airlines Festival. I seriously see no reasons for not going to Main. Hope this helps your choice.

i simply pick the party which has a homepage available in a language that i understand
added on the 2007-09-25 12:51:08 by hollowman hollowman
There are several Atarists at Alchimie as well... and hopefully Ti89-ers.
But it's usually only french so you could feel lost :)
added on the 2007-09-25 14:31:05 by mmu_man mmu_man
