Petition for new pouet memes
category: general [glöplog]
Pouet is in dire need of new memes. The old memes just dont cut it anymore:
1. Bass - wtf?
2. Origin of the pig - great, but ran out of stream
3. Seal with bucket - Meme was stolen, also leave Minazo RIP.
4. Garfield - stolen, fail, and repetition
5. ??
1. Franz Ferdinand
5.Disco Balls!
5. Profit.
6. Profit
7.Anthromorphized stuff!
8. Profit
7. "anthropomorphized"
Franz:Google says that doesn't have typos! WTF?
Yeah, i realize there is a forward Anthromorphized->Anthropomorphized in some dictionaries.
Not sure whether the first is also correct though.
Not sure whether the first is also correct though.
9. Don't kill the kittens!

10. stelthz made a demo!
X____x now that is just retarded
ps: I made this great production
Just wait and I will learn how to use OSDM.
Just wait and I will learn how to use OSDM.
What about a random palindrom thread?
Ein Neger mit Gazelle zagt im Regen nie
Ein Neger mit Gazelle zagt im Regen nie
We had this somewhere, but a better BBS search function is required to find it again.
It was an anagram thread though.
Stelz: the number of posts (iditotic and retarded as usual) you make every single day here is totally amazing.
I was wondering, are you just incredibly bored or are you just a huge attention whore? (or both?)
I was wondering, are you just incredibly bored or are you just a huge attention whore? (or both?)
keops: incredibly distracted, if you want to know.
Is this the random meme thread?
No, no randomness here. See, everything is numbered.
But, they seem somewhat randomly numbered. Or is this one of Adok's "guess which number comes next" IQ tests?
Google knows.
Google knows.