Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
haha. i suck.

I couldn't care less if people eat flesh or not. It is their choice not mine
And they're lucky to have it.

All you ass are belong to us!
sry. yr wit stupid tonight...

Someone set up us the bum! o_O
We have no need for flesh. It was already known in the 19th century that we are fruitarians like chimpansees.
Do some research.
No, maybe you should do some research. Chimpanzees do eat meat, they even practice cannibalism.
And now on-topic again:

Agreed sparcus. Humans are just both meat and fruits and if you denie that you dont have biologie @ school !

haha.. I suck too. * both fruits and meat. = we eat both flesh and fruits.
I for one am part fruit.

And part chick, apparently.
And part chick, apparently.

If humans were supposed to eat a diet without flesh, we all would have seven stomachs like a cow...

people people. Please. it's just a shock-image made by trolls. There are more. There is even another cat killed under shoe. Is it sick? Yes! It is real? No.
people people. Please. it's just a shock-image made by trolls. There are more. There is even another cat killed under shoe. Is it sick? Yes! It is real? No.
This chair is awesome! It has made my day.

Oh yes, the random image....

Oh yes, the random image....

plants have lives too ):

numtek: Sounds like denial.
This, however, is just a custome:

This, however, is just a custome:

For non-germans: "She thinks my penis is to small" McAvoy about Keira Knightley.
@numtek: It might as well be real... Anyway. People are sick. In many different ways...