Garfield vs. scene
category: residue [glöplog]
For once, I second gloom.
what reed said. They're so endearing.

Random Garfield strips are highly unfunny, but even so they're funnier than the actual strips, which in itself is pretty funny.
mine isnt random, it's just a random response to zest's jokes!
Eddie Izzard ftw!

Maali : Zone's ones :p
Enough with the French already! This thread needs a renaissance:

styx \o/
styx :DD
bring back the only spacebar sync! :)

"fap fap" ??? WTF ?? :DD
styx dammit! i read that same one in the paper yesterday.. my captions would've been: "hey a new comment!" - "just keep reloading..."
too bad i only now realized its garfield holding the remote...
too bad i only now realized its garfield holding the remote...
only for apricot:
I bet there are instructions somewhere on that page.
I bet there are instructions somewhere on that page.

hahahahah... top notch!
I expected a 404 ! hehe
Influence Device: Haha, priceless. It WAS only one effect, hehe.
But an awesome effect it was!
Doom & Styx: \o/ :D .... rofl ... you instantly made my day @ the office
styx: that sync-strip is priceless! :)