Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]

This tree reminds me of Plastic's 195/95 :)

Mhmm, waffleimages won't play ball. So how about this one instead.

From Prinerolo Teknival , Italy.
this is page 242 on the thread,i must add this image

The real fathers of EBM.
this is page 242 on the thread,i must add this image

The real fathers of EBM.

A normal scener.

if you grow a rüssel, specktitten and 4 arms, you should be seriously concerned about your health...
rarefluid: Actually, he didn't grow the trunk. According to the legend, he got executed by his father I think, by having his head cut off, and then got it replaced with an elephant's head.
Ass to Ass? WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? I must find the sequel!
but still he have 4 arms of a nuclair excident and specktits !
Nucular, the word is nucular.