Random image thread
category: residue [glöplog]
Probably listening to chiptunes.
Robber Johnny ;)
That is a totally crazy video. Gives me the creeps...
That is a totally crazy video. Gives me the creeps...
Kontrastprogramm zum Augenausruhen:
You can practically smell the photoshopping.
more plastic for you
We have computer that can bea... no, that joke is just too obvious.
Pouet has no girls, it needs to be mover further right.
This one is pretty nice. It does not have pouet, but many other sites I would never dare to enter into my address bar:
That 'Web Trend Map' is pretentious wankery of the worst kind. I've been staring at it for 5 minutes and I have no idea what it's meant to be telling me other than "YouTube is a big website with movies" and "OpenID is not technology or a tool". Which I could have learned far more quickly from *a bunch of lists with headings*, instead of playing follow-the-spaghetti. And this comes from "information architects"? Al Qaeda has made better contributions to architecture than that.
wait... so i have to use aol to get laid? :(