
origins of the fuckings

category: residue [glöplog]
"Fuckings to xyz" is such a stupid phrase. My best attempt at literally translating it into sane english is "I hope xyz has sex".

Thats not much of an insult.

Better would be "bad smelly crack whore fuckings to xyz", or maybe just "miserable lonely sobbing and wankings to xyz".
added on the 2007-08-24 15:26:59 by xeron xeron
Ouch! That would hurt (me).
added on the 2007-08-24 15:37:54 by Optimus Optimus
fuckings to xeron for starting such a lame thread...

added on the 2007-08-24 15:39:58 by FooLman FooLman
Thanks for your wishes. You'll be glad to know that so far my wife still lets me have sex on a regular basis, so your wish is fulfilled.
added on the 2007-08-24 15:40:57 by xeron xeron
fuckings to lord helmet!
added on the 2007-08-24 15:43:40 by el mal el mal
Fuckings to me in that case...
added on the 2007-08-24 15:44:20 by xernobyl xernobyl
it's a primitive attitude : the fundamental rape of the human race by invisibles aliens.
count me in, sir.
added on the 2007-08-24 16:00:33 by rmeht rmeht
But she doesn't let you go to Sundown!
added on the 2007-08-24 16:06:19 by syphus syphus
mix early c64 scene and bad english, there you are
added on the 2007-08-24 16:08:42 by Oswald Oswald
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added on the 2007-08-24 16:10:36 by zoom zoom
Congratulations! You fail to comprehend a standard English insult.

A review may be in order:

"Fuck you" - no, this is not "I hope you have sex."
"Ima tell you one time don't fuck with me" - no, this is not "I wish to have sex with you."
"Fuck off, asshole" - does not mean anything even close to 'tossing salad.'

The three items above, combined, would be an example of 'fuckings.'

There are additional fuckings, proof of which is left as an excercise to the lamers.
Fuckings to speedfisters for not releasing anything for a fucking long time already. Faggots.
added on the 2007-08-24 16:30:43 by iks iks
"Ima tell you one time don't fuck with me" - no, this is not "I wish to have sex with you."
Interpreted literally, that would actually mean "I do not want to have sex with you" rather than "I do".
added on the 2007-08-24 16:33:31 by nitro2k01 nitro2k01
Tidelag to pouet for useless threads.
added on the 2007-08-24 16:55:20 by whizzter whizzter

As a native english speaker, though, "fuckings to" still sounds like you are wishing that person got some sex.

Fuck you doesn't, though, which is odd. It might be that because it is such a well-established term in general its literal meaning is lost. Although as an instruction "Fuck you" implies the person do it to themselves; effectively "go and have a wank".

"Don't fuck with me" even taken literally means "don't have sex with me".

"Fuck off" is purely meaningless and cannot in anyway be construed as an instruction to have sex, unless you happen to know someone as unfortunate enough to have been named "off".

However, "fuckings to" really does sound like a wish for the person to get laid.
added on the 2007-08-24 17:13:48 by xeron xeron
swap "someone as unfortunate" for "someone who is unfortunate" ;-)
added on the 2007-08-24 17:14:42 by xeron xeron
zoom: http://www.fucking.at/fucking/ :)))
xeron: "Fuck you" is also an instruction for someone to fuck themselves. So it's quite obvious in that case that the offender don't wish some hot chick to fuck the offended, but rather that the offended does obscene things to himself. I'm not quite sure how fucking yourself is possible, unless you have some extremely big and flexible yet erected penis. So it might actually be a complement on the offended penis attributes.
added on the 2007-08-24 17:22:29 by kusma kusma
irokos you fruit, we released a demo this summer.. in june.
but be prepared for some fuckings in our next prod (as usual!).

and btw

fuckings to rebels pc.
greetings to every other section of rebels.
added on the 2007-08-24 17:35:26 by demoman demoman
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added on the 2007-08-24 17:37:38 by --------- ---------
deckings to fuckadence.
added on the 2007-08-24 19:35:17 by gasman gasman
aids to xyz.
added on the 2007-08-24 19:36:39 by Preacher Preacher
Preacher apparently coined out the very new structure of "fuckings" for demoscene \o/
added on the 2007-08-24 20:39:19 by decipher decipher
added on the 2007-08-24 20:42:07 by stijn stijn
